5 Hardest Videogames in the World


Raid The Revenge

Videogames can cause nightmares. Although the aspect of play has now reached new technological heights with videogames, they also have delivered the most ruthless challenges to skilled players. Feelings such as rage, anger and despair have fallen over the player-populace as they try to unveil these dangerous traps.

Be warned, these are the 5 most difficult videogames in the world.

[CRITERIA] This list consists of games with the following parameters:
-They are primarily dexterity dependant
-They require an intense amount of endurance
-They require disciplined attitudes
-They recieved rewards, based on their creative difficulty
-They are still readily available to be purchased.


Sin & Punishment - Treasure - Orig. Nintendo 64 Japan -

GAMEPLAY-Sword, Auto, Manual, Strafe L/R, Jump, Double Jump, Roll.
-Deflect missiles back with sword
-Deal less damage with Auto, but it locks onto enemy
-Deal more damage with Manual, but you need to manually aim
-Roll makes you invincible, but only for a fraction of a second

WHERE TO BUY IT-Wii Virtual Console


Dance Dance Revolution - Konami - Orig. Arcade Japan -

GAMEPLAY-Four Arrows, each perpendicular to each other on right angles.
-Play the game with your feet
-Strike each arrow as it appears on screen
-Some arrows require you to freeze your footing in place
-Some double arrows require you to jump in order to strike both simultaneously
-You must strike them in accordance to the music; miss a few and you're out.
-You must be fit to play this game!!

WHERE TO BUY IT-Any game retailer for any system.


CONTRA - Konami - Orig. Arcade Japan -

GAMEPLAY-Variances in weapons and 2D/3D control. Primarily jumping and shooting. Strike 1 enemy object of anykind; you die.

WHERE TO BUY IT-Latest version for Nintendo DS (Contra 4)


GRADIUS - Konami/Treasure - Orig. Japan Arcade -


GAMEPLAY- Move your ship in all directions. Auto Shot. Manual Shot. Missile. Powerup. Option Intelligence. Watch the above video carefully, strike ANY wall or object without a shield; you crash.
-Obtain batteries to shunt the power meter by 1. The more you collect, the further your power meter travels. Press Powerup to obtain the upgrade. Upgrade meter increases as follows:

Speedup, Missile, Double, Laser, Option, ? (Shields)

Ex: You need 4 batteries to upgrade Laser.

OPTIONS- Clone of your ship that fires exactly whatever and whenever you do. They cannot be destroyed, but a special 'Option Hunter' monster can steal them. Certain control can be utilized over the Options. You can have up to 4 Options following you at any given time.

SHIELDS- Primarily a Forcefield that allows you to absorb 4 small bullets. Walls or any other object that strike you is exempt and you'll crash anyway.

WHERE YOU CAN BUY IT - Wii Virtual Console or PSP.


IKARUGA - Treasure/Atari - Orig. Japan Arcade -

GameSpot Video: Ikaruga Video Review

The video review on Gamespot will explain everything. This is the hardest game I've ever played. The only way I could beat it was by not firing a single shot.

WHERE YOU CAN BUY IT - It will be available on Xbox 360 - Live soon.
Socom 3. I cannot complete the final part. After about 50 attempts
Tactical Shooters are now very hard. The last I tried to duo with someone was Rainbow Six: Vegas. It was disgustingly difficult.

Those games are designed to be really hard, allowing a group of multiplayer fanatics to play with an adequate challenge. If you grab enough friends for a Tactical Shooter; they're cake. Otherwise...slap Rainbow Six on my Top 10 list.
I just started playing Call of duty 4... Not really into games as they take too much time.. But I love the game!
Socom 3. I cannot complete the final part. After about 50 attempts
Luggs now your temporarily a chap about the house. I thought you would have cracked it. How was the interview?
i wish crysis was on consol dont play games on computer just consol, and yes another shoot them up fan, but must have some need to think otherwise mindless bordem
I'm playing Call of Duty 4 right now. Its the best I've played so far
Call of Duty received an award for best Xbox 360/PS3 game of the year.

I played the game and finished it in a single sitting. My take:

-Best 1st person shooter ever made.
-I liked it because of the variants. You never do the same mission for too long [grindfactor].

It isn't a terribly difficult game; unless you're playing versus online with other hardcore players. Otherwise, you can finish single-player in less than 4 hours if you know what you're doing.

:Lurking:Good taste in games Raid! :thumbup:

I too will share some of the games I thought took me a long time to pass, and were very enjoyable:
The Legend Of Zelda - I remember the limited edition came in a gold color cartridge for the NES.

Gameplay was addicting, as you had to perform various secrets to move up in the game. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgbR_GWzWWs"]YouTube - Phil Côté's "NES Zelda in 25:29"[/ame]

Phantasy Star II Took very long time to pass. Sega Genesis was a direct competitor to Nintendo then.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNvUblOOBDM"]YouTube - Phantasy Star 2 (SG) Final Battle[/ame]

Oblivion - The Elder Scrolls Is a tough game, I never managed to finish.


One of the best games I've ever played. You seriously need to finish that game, because it has such a fantastic ending. Oblivion had 3 professional voice actors to help make the game:

-Terence Stamp (The man who performed as general Zod from "Superman 2")
-Sean Bean (The man who performed as the villian in "Goldeneye")
-Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard from Star Trek)

Game of the Year for 2006.
--It's not hard if you train properly. As a matter of fact, you can become a GOD if you train properly.
