360 Black ops/homefront


New Member
Whos all been playing black ops and/or homefront?

Im on both so post your gamer tags if you wanna shoot em up sometime my name is:


I'm on both

SharpShooter849 is the gamertag :)
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Had Homefront and beat it in 4 hours..........the online play was very low quality, especially since they hyped it up as "Better than COD"

Just picked up Crysis 2
Im on the same page as you cbanks, crysis 2 is a sick game great graphics I just wish your movements could be faster
Playing both.

TigerGenetics is the GT.
I have both as well.

GT is x Outlaw Torn x

I was wondering who that was that added me. Next time I am on I will make sure to add/confirm you.
