16th Brithday


New Member
Hello all,,, Today is my son`s 16th birthday. I can`t believe it is so soon. I looked around for a card and I could not find anything suitable,so what do you think of this:::

Cale,,,, I can't believe that you are 16 today. It seems to me that it can't be that soon. Where has the time gone? I can remember just like it was yesterday when we would "body slam" on our bed or go for walks to K-Mart or Nan's house. One of the best parts for me was playing cars in the hallway (shooting them back and forth ) or us doing the same thing with a ball and having the cat (Riley, Gordie or Roddie) chase it back and forth. I also remember you and I going to the mall, and me opening up my arms and you running to me laughing and me picking you up. Well I must say that you have grown into a fine you man and you make your Dad very proud to have a son like you. Going to hockey games to watch you play and and fun has really been a big thrill for me,,God how I love to watch you play. This winter we will do more of the same and I will cherish each game knowing that soon,in the near future you won't want to spend some time with the "old man" cause you will be with your friends. Well that is all part of life and the same will happen to you and your child,,boy or girl. Cale I love you very much and I am really proud of you no matter what road you take in life,, I will always be here if you ever need me.. Happy 16th Brithday Son. Love Dad.

To Mushy???? (pic is of an award form the YMCA)


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    monkey 005.jpg
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Sounds like a father that loves his son. Not mushy, but honest feelings. If there were more good fathers like you, there would be less problems in the world sir.
Why'd you have to go and do that? Now I'm gettin' all teary-eyed at work!

He might think it's a little mushy, but he'll cherish it just the same. There's a lot of kids out there whose parents would never actually come out and say that kind of stuff. Go for it!
Hello all,,, Today is my son`s 16th birthday. I can`t believe it is so soon. I looked around for a card and I could not find anything suitable,so what do you think of this:::

Cale,,,, I can't believe that you are 16 today. It seems to me that it can't be that soon. Where has the time gone? I can remember just like it was yesterday when we would "body slam" on our bed or go for walks to K-Mart or Nan's house. One of the best parts for me was playing cars in the hallway (shooting them back and forth ) or us doing the same thing with a ball and having the cat (Riley, Gordie or Roddie) chase it back and forth. I also remember you and I going to the mall, and me opening up my arms and you running to me laughing and me picking you up. Well I must say that you have grown into a fine you man and you make your Dad very proud to have a son like you. Going to hockey games to watch you play and and fun has really been a big thrill for me,,God how I love to watch you play. This winter we will do more of the same and I will cherish each game knowing that soon,in the near future you won't want to spend some time with the "old man" cause you will be with your friends. Well that is all part of life and the same will happen to you and your child,,boy or girl. Cale I love you very much and I am really proud of you no matter what road you take in life,, I will always be here if you ever need me.. Happy 16th Brithday Son. Love Dad.

To Mushy???? (pic is of an award form the YMCA)

Nah, not too mushy... since you actually took the time to think about what you wanted to write, any kid would appreciate the thought that went behind writing what you feel.
Laurie, not going to lie...that brought a tears to my eyes.....I wish I would have gotten something like that from my dad. Its really heartfelt and true.

And the water works hit when you said the part of spending time with friends, yet your cherishing every moment with your son knowing it will inevitably come.
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Your son will read it and thank you for it today. Tomorrow he will forget about it. But in 5 years, love you for it and never forget it.
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You're son will read it and thank you for it today. Tomorrow he will forget about it. But in 5 years love you for it and never forget it.

Parcho I couldnt agree more. Thats the exact thoughts that ran through my head when I read it, and they are a direct reflection of how I would feel in your sons shoes. Like I said, I could only have drempt of having that!
nothing wrong with that at all, sometimes i wish i had family like that.

I always spend alot of time with my family, but the last time i even hugged one of them, i was probably 4-5 years old.

so this is an extremely different from what I am used to.

Thanks everyone,,,As you can see I am a emotional man,,but not afraid to give my children,,,hugs or kisses. But I don`t give kisses infront of their friends.:thumbup: (Although it IS hard not to say `Way to go Sweetie`,when my daughter has a good hit at Base Ball --she is 12.)
