World Cup


USA plays Germany today. How many of you guys are excited?
Would be more excited if I wasn't at work.
Meh. Soccer is not my thing. Boring. My old boss came into the office last World Cup and was freaking out. Asked me if I'd seen the game the night before. Here's the conversation.

"it was the most exciting game I've ever seen"

"yeah. What was the score?"

"0-0 tie!"

I just kind of blinked
"So these guys are some of the richest most famous athletes in the world right?"


"And the point of the game is to score goals"


"And these guys suck so bad that they can't even achieve the point of the game once in 90 minute and that's exciting??"

He just kind of looked at me like I was the crazy one. Lol

Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

At least in hockey they will get one or two goals in a game. Baseball can also have really low scores, and as a result, is quite boring. I never watch it on TV.
We lost, but Still ADVANCE!!!!! :D that right, you raed that right, escept that last part. its read not red.
I think its exciting when both teams are on the attack.
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I really enjoy soccer, especially World Cup. But like you say, it's a game you have to really understand to enjoy. I never played soccer much, but I've played hockey since I was like 4 and there are a lot of similar elements.

It was funny seeing Mexico eliminated for the 6th time in a row in the round of 16, but the penalty was definitely a debatable flop by Robben.
well I called it mexico was eliminated!

and damn that brazil chile match was crazy! could you imagine getting eliminated by pk after hitting the post! I bet everyone in chile hates that player! lol poor guy

Believe or not, some people know how to loose and understand that sports are meant to be fun. Chile made history on that game and the players were proud to have participate in such a match. Check this out.

Chile striker Mauricio Pinilla gets tattoo of agonising last-minute shot that hit that bar against Brazil - World Cup 2014 - Football - The Independent
