Need Opinions Please

Gorgeous Macaw you have there, I never owned a big parrot like that. Only parrot I've owned was a pocket parrot-let. My favorite bird I ever owned was an Aracari Toucan. Bird had an amazing personality with people.

I saw wild Toucan's (double billed) last year in Tailand, it was awesome
Kathy, glad to see you're getting back in the saddle. I'm on the facebook page as well and have seen your accident. I love your idea!!! I personally wouldn't do something like that but the one thing I love about bikes is others personalities seem to go right on it. Make it your own and show the world. As far as the year, do as you wish. However, I got my 2012 with 1301 on the odo for 6100. It's the white scheme and it appears the only difference is the frame color. You may be able to have that paint job pay for itself. Just a thought. At any rate, good to see you are back on the way to riding again. Take care
I like the idea about having Bert photoshop some ideas, you can do alot with your idea.Aircraft paint jobs usually work nicely on motorcycles, if you have trouble finding examples of bikes with a bird theme I'm sure you can get some cool ideas from looking at aircraft.

The p-40 theme (the first 2 pictures) are just an example of plane paint schemes on a motorcycle, I know you don't want a p40 theme.

That P40 paint scheme is fricken awesome!
I noticed you said healed up enough, did something happen?

Yeah on August 5th I was riding in a group, two riders and their bikes went into a slide in my lane. I braked but not soon/hard enough a semi was in the lane to my right. I tried my best to maneuver around the riders/bikes but my front wheel hit one rider in the legs and catapulted me and the bike through the air both of us landing on the right side. Bike was totaled frame and forks bent. I pretty much crushed the right side of my body. Small bleed on my brain, over 30 fx to my ribs, collarbone in 3 pieces, two pelvic fractures, torn ligament in my groin, collapsed lung. So after 4 chest tubes they put in 4 titanium plates to ribs and in January they finally plated my clavicle. I might have a torn rotator cuff, if still not better in March he will do an MRI.
I have some paralysis/muscle tetany to my right chest wall that I'm getting treated currently.
Probably more than you wanted to know moral is to not only have good gear but wear it EVERY TIME you ride. My scorpion EXO 500 helmet saved my life, I landed so hard it broken the inside of the helmet.

Kat "Tails" Arnold
Keep in mind, any personalization to that extent will hurt the ability and price at re-sale. Unless you find someone who is like minded, or you give up the Parrot and say the bike must be bought with it! LOL.

Yes I've thought about that also but it could always be painted solid color again. No way will I ever sell the parrots LOL

Kat "Tails" Arnold
I like the idea about having Bert photoshop some ideas, you can do alot with your idea.Aircraft paint jobs usually work nicely on motorcycles, if you have trouble finding examples of bikes with a bird theme I'm sure you can get some cool ideas from looking at aircraft.

The p-40 theme (the first 2 pictures) are just an example of plane paint schemes on a motorcycle, I know you don't want a p40 theme.



A few pictures of bird planes I found off google.



Thanks for the great ideas and taking the time to find the photos.

Kat "Tails" Arnold
Kathy, glad to see you're getting back in the saddle. I'm on the facebook page as well and have seen your accident. I love your idea!!! I personally wouldn't do something like that but the one thing I love about bikes is others personalities seem to go right on it. Make it your own and show the world. As far as the year, do as you wish. However, I got my 2012 with 1301 on the odo for 6100. It's the white scheme and it appears the only difference is the frame color. You may be able to have that paint job pay for itself. Just a thought. At any rate, good to see you are back on the way to riding again. Take care

Thanks Bozman for the encouragement
You are correct in the price I save on the 2013 model will more than pay for the paint job

Kat "Tails" Arnold
Those birds cost around 4k+ for a single toucan, my Aracari cost 2k alone. My toucan (Tiki) used to hop from his cage to my neck and cuddle while I read or watch TV.

I just bought my friend a Red fronted macaw and he was around 2 grand
My 4 parrots are rescues/rehomes and two were given to me. The aracari's are so cute the way the hop around. A parrot is not the first pet people think of as cuddly but they most certainly are and so much more

Kat "Tails" Arnold
Can you get a 2013 and then get it wrapped llike the 2014 model?

Or even with your concept art.. at least then you can peel it off at sale time or whatever!

I just bought my friend a Red fronted macaw and he was around 2 grand
My 4 parrots are rescues/rehomes and two were given to me. The aracari's are so cute the way the hop around. A parrot is not the first pet people think of as cuddly but they most certainly are and so much more

Kat "Tails" Arnold

I just don't have the time to really give what Macaw's need/deserve. I think the biggest would be a medium sized cockatoo or the African grey parrot. Until then, I'm taking care of my 8ft red tail boa, Emerald Green Tree Python, Pocket Parrot, and Russian Blue cat.
