Funny story of when I arrived to work


New Member
Just wanted to share a funny story of what happened when I arrived at work today.

Our characters:
Be me, Seppel, Just pulling into a great parking spot by the entrance to my work when one of favorite songs decides to play.

You can also choose to perceive this tale from the point of view as the two women in the car in the parking spot next to mine. Further referred to as TWIC(two Women in Car). (and Yes they were cute)

The scene:
After one of my favorite songs starts up, I turn off the bike and dismount my steed. Naturally, I am in a good mood as the sun was out my entire ride over, so I thought it best to dance(think just a tad more than just jamming along, I didn't full on Michael Jackson this or anything) along with my music while I get all my gear off. I get most of my gear and stuff away except my helmet is still on. My gaze rises a little and I notice TWIC, who are half open mouth staring at me. OhGodWhyMe.jpg I just stop jamming and stand up straight and stare for half a second(it felt like forever, and we were all just staring) My thought: *Better defuse this situation of embarrassment* Que plan A, wave at them. Great success, they laugh and wave back.

So ladies and Gentlemen, today I learned don't just dance along to your music without checking your surroundings first(unless you dance really well and want that kind of attention)


You should have just stared at them for a few seconds then continued dancing away. I mean why not ? They already busted you. At least you weren't knuckle deep picking your nose or something. :zombie:
Just wanted to share a funny story of what happened when I arrived at work today.

Our characters:
Be me, Seppel, Just pulling into a great parking spot by the entrance to my work when one of favorite songs decides to play.

You can also choose to perceive this tale from the point of view as the two women in the car in the parking spot next to mine. Further referred to as TWIC(two Women in Car). (and Yes they were cute)

The scene:
After one of my favorite songs starts up, I turn off the bike and dismount my steed. Naturally, I am in a good mood as the sun was out my entire ride over, so I thought it best to dance(think just a tad more than just jamming along, I didn't full on Michael Jackson this or anything) along with my music while I get all my gear off. I get most of my gear and stuff away except my helmet is still on. My gaze rises a little and I notice TWIC, who are half open mouth staring at me. OhGodWhyMe.jpg I just stop jamming and stand up straight and stare for half a second(it felt like forever, and we were all just staring) My thought: *Better defuse this situation of embarrassment* Que plan A, wave at them. Great success, they laugh and wave back.

So ladies and Gentlemen, today I learned don't just dance along to your music without checking your surroundings first(unless you dance really well and want that kind of attention)


So, did you get their numbers? Maybe offer to give them a ride on your "Steed"? Maybe ask them to lunch.. I hope you didn't really just end it with a wave...

Should have offered them a ride...

on the bike....

and as the smiley or it didnt happen...would be better with video!

I wish I had the time to offer them a ride, but I had to clock in and start work. :( and I want to get a gopro, but I'm currently addicted to making my 6r look as sexy as possible with new mods.
So, did you get their numbers? Maybe offer to give them a ride on your "Steed"? Maybe ask them to lunch.. I hope you didn't really just end it with a wave...

Had to, I was already a little late for work and didn't want to get my *ss chewed out.

You should have just stared at them for a few seconds then continued dancing away. I mean why not ? They already busted you. At least you weren't knuckle deep picking your nose or something. :zombie:

That would have been awesome. I feel like they felt they were busted too(their windows were tinted, so I don't think they expected me to look up and notice them so I kind of found it funny and wasn't thinking at the time.

You should have just stared at them for a few seconds then continued dancing away. I mean why not ? They already busted you. At least you weren't knuckle deep picking your nose or something. :zombie:

lol, agreed, Or better yet you could have told them you take requests.
That's right man when in doubt own it....

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