Motorcycle Picture Game

No fair I bearly read the challenge

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

Haha I thought it was a 24h thing. How about next mission is to take a picture of your bike next to a..... Barn

Sent from my Nexus 7
O snap I can do that! I'll try to fit it in

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

That's what she said.....

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Sent from my Nexus 7
Lmfao.. Sweet finally I'm not the only member who loves TWSS. U made my night

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

haha, awesome! Glad I could make someone's night. xD There are just some things that i cant resist and that's a perfect TWSS moment... some people hate it though.
Nice on the humvee!
Barn.....hmmmm think I can pull it off

Haha thanks. It looks so badass in person. So? Anyone up on the barn thing or we need to shake things up?

Sent from my Nexus 7
Define a barn?
Idk.... Traditional kind of barn?

Sent from my Nexus 7

In Australia we have sheds not barns,
the bigger the need the bigger the shed,
to which I am pretty sure I could get a decent size shed shot with my ride (should I remember to stop)

I only know of barns from movies etc
which brings to mind things like below

In Australia we have sheds not barns,
the bigger the need the bigger the shed,
to which I am pretty sure I could get a decent size shed shot with my ride (should I remember to stop)

I only know of barns from movies etc
which brings to mind things like below

Haha well i think sheds will make the cut. I'd just like to see this modern machine next to something like that. I have a beautiful barn here in this town used for weddings that I want to take some photos at with my bike.
Sorry fella's I let the team down today,
went past a shed in a barley field, even had an old chute harvester next to it,

remembered I should have stopped for a photo after chasing down my brother and mate:facepalm:
Sorry fella's I let the team down today,
went past a shed in a barley field, even had an old chute harvester next to it,

remembered I should have stopped for a photo after chasing down my brother and mate:facepalm:

Prob. need to set a time limit on these to keep things rolling. The one barn I know if near me is over grown in weeds so no luck there for me.
Prob. need to set a time limit on these to keep things rolling. The one barn I know if near me is over grown in weeds so no luck there for me.

Meh... Maybe tomm morning i'll just do my own challenge haha. I agree though, I find this thread really fun! I just want people to actually participate! :(
