Random Riders - Cop Rear Ends Motorcycle


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I completely see the biker's side of this.

That car was wanting to get over, biker wasn't sure if the car saw him. I would have slowed down too..

Cop plainly stated that you don't slam on the brakes when some one is "right behind you". The cop was definitely too close and not paying attention.

So stupid..


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WTF ! That old man shouldn't be driving. He's gonna run over somebody someday.


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leprecaun jon

Elite Member


eff that cop. I would take his ass to court. He rear ended the bike, plain and simple. Cop was an absolute douchbag, he was crapping in his pants. Doesnt matter how fast someone hits brakes, if you rearend them, your at fault, period. Guy in front of bike had blinker on, and was gedtting over, and yes, bike stopped, but cop should have stopped before hitting him.

I would love this to happen to me, ol piss face cop woulda lost his job, done.

Im sick of hearing about cops abusing Sh!t, sorry man, thsi cop can go suck a bag of ................:mad:

biker shoulda said, kiss my ass fool., your fired, next.


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New Member
I completely see the biker's side of this.

That car was wanting to get over, biker wasn't sure if the car saw him. I would have slowed down too..

Cop plainly stated that you don't slam on the brakes when some one is "right behind you". The cop was definitely too close and not paying attention.

So stupid..

Lol, when is there not a car behind you in traffic ?
