Retro Fit kit

Btw, if you plan to use a fuse panel with your retro kit, you'll need to modify the wiring harness. For one, the fuse panel will probably take bare wire, so you won't need the battery post clamp. You also won't need the inline fuse. Lastly, the wire that goes to the battery is too short to reach back under the passenger seat. So the solution to all 3 problems? Just pull the fuse out of the inline fuse holder. Pull the wire on the headlight end out of the fuse holder. Then just cut a new 18 gauge or greater wire that's long enough to reach from wire you just removed to the fuse panel. Then crimp the male connector end to your new wire and connect it all together. You can save the short wire that went from the inline fuse to the battery for some other project.


mine reached just my kit would be really easy to sell when i trade in "someday" good idea though to save space and wiring
Yeah, it's probably because of the way I did my wiring. Everything is pretty far forward. Either way, you can save the fuse holder and the wire that's still attached and reconnect it later. That's why I didn't cut and modify the wires any. Even if the battery wire had reached, it has the loop on the end, which would have had to been removed for the fuse box. It only accepts bare wire.
It isn't so bad. Following the "How to" and just using common sense, you will be alright. It is more time consuming than anything else.

Yea. I've been going over the how-to recently and it doesn't seem too hard, just time consuming as you mentioned. Well I'll be back here if anything arises. Hopefully kit comes to me next week :)
Yea. I've been going over the how-to recently and it doesn't seem too hard, just time consuming as you mentioned. Well I'll be back here if anything arises. Hopefully kit comes to me next week :)

Black and i are here for any questions you might have
Ok so i received my kit today, pretty excited of course and first thing i notice is wires coming from the projector... I'm assuming these are to activate "high beams"?. Thing is I already have a an HID kit installed (from kryptonbulbs) so the HID kit i received from TRS is null. The kit from krypton activates the "high beam" by literally moving back the bulb by using a special mechanism. within the bulb.

Pic on link

H4 Bi-Xenon Slim Ballast HID kit

I probably should've asked this before but i want to ask if anyone else has installed the TRS projector with no problems when using another HID kit not by TRS? Specifically how the H4 works in your set up.
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So i finished this mod on tuesday with my dads help. Overall I am pleased with it. Definitely gives it a cool and unique look. However there are a few issues.

First, the low beam for me is useless. It only illuminates about 3-4 ft ahead at best and then it cuts off. Is it like this for everyone else? Maybe it's because i added epoxy from the shroud to the reflector?(for stability purposes) Not too much of a big deal since I always use high beam anyway(which is perfect), just pointing it out.

Now i get a tiny bit of moisture inside the reflector.guess it's my fault for not adding extra silicone when heating everything back >_<

As i said, overall it's amazing, couldn't be happier. Without a projector, you shouldn't even consider buying HID, they suck on our bikes without it. Just stick to Luminics bulbs(which I had previusly and IMO the best regular bulb i've tried.)

Now my bike reminds me of legion:

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You should be able to adjust the level of the cutoff using the stock beam adjusters on the back of the headlight housing. That's how I got mine to be where I wanted it.
So I've been sitting on the fence about buying this kit for quite some time now.
I even asked TRS for their recommended installers-- gave them a call-- and promptly hung up when I heard the prices they were asking for install.

I see many of you have had success and I am very happy for you all. I kinda wanna jump on the projector bandwagon myself. The fact that every car I see seems to be running HID's these days is also kinda pushing me to get up to par. I'm constantly switching between high/low beams to get some visibility.

I'm kinda concerned as to doing the installation; Getting TO THE headlight to remove it, let alone disassembling the unit to get in their and actually retrofit.

I just simply don't have that much experience, and have been putting off on getting a respectable torque wrench...:banghead::spank:

I'm willing to try and give it my best shot... But I just don't wanna be stuck with a bike that I can't re-assemble or ride due to it being out a headlight?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Well, I just sent a completely assembled kit to another member. You could go that route...

All she had to do was disassemble the bike, remove the stock headlight, and install the one I sent her that was already fit with the projector. Then she just had to put the bike back together.
Def. interested in this 99!

Will PM you tonight once I get home and check funds and timing.

*A light shines @ the end of the tunnel* :thumbup:
Forgot to add, if anyone is looking to buy the actual TRS HID kit minus the bulb, i'm willing to sell for extra cheap, just PM me. I only needed the bulb since I already had an HID kit installed from kryptonbulbs.
is anyone running the retro kit with the "side emitting LED strip"?

also is this kit plug n play or do you have to cut into your headlight housing to install these?
Glad to see my little adventure is paying off dont forget to check my easy a cave could...ya know


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You will have to open your headlight housing to get the projector assembly inside. It is actually quite simple and while it is a little intimidating because of the steps involved, it isn't that bad. Definitely worth doing.

dam dude thats the bike they showed on their website! i saw that it said FZ6R and i was surprised. That looks awesome man. This along with the two bros exhaust are creeping their way onto my mod list (still waiting to purchase the bike but things are looking really good at this point) :D

as fas as opening the headlight housing does that mean i have to put it in the over and heat up the seals and then open it, install HID, then re-seal in the over and what not?

are the instructions located anywhere on the internet? if so i could just look at them and i would know whether or not i'd be comfortable doing it but i couldn't seem to find a link to any instructions on their website :confused:

thanks for posting up your pictures man.

Check my link in my signature:rolleyes:
