Needed - Shift Lever


New Member
I'm guessing it's a long shot, but I'm looking for a stock shift lever (pedal).

I highsided about a week ago when my chain came off the rear sprocket in the middle of a turn onto an expressway ramp and locked up my back tire. When my bike landed on its left side, the shift lever got pretty crunched up.

Anyone have one for sale, or seen one online I can check out? A head's up would be appreciated!
Oh ya... I'm fine. Not a scratch on me. (I was wearing all of my protective riding gear) Somehow, after my bike came crashing down on its left side with me somewhat ontop of it, I did my infamous "tuck and roll" and escaped unscathed. My back was a little twisted up last week, but other than that...

Heh heh heh, about the "incident" -- let's just say I really shouldn't have been riding with a chain with 25,000+ miles on it.

It was (really x100) loose, apparently. Who knew??!! ;)

I had downshifted into first gear and pulled the clutch in to turn onto a ramp (it was a super tight turn, like a hairpin right) and suddenly felt my bike slide to the left as if I were lowsiding (which I couldn't figure out b/c I honestly was going too slow to lose traction). About half a second later my bike was bucking me into the air and flipping to the left. I realized what was happening and I think, thankfully, b/c I was going so slow, the weight of me on the bike kept it from actually flipping over the way they do in higher speed accidents. So we (the bike and I) landed with a thud on the left side - in the middle of the road in front of about a 2-foot skid mark.

Thankfully, only my clutch lever and shift pedal seem to be parts needing to be replaced (other than the chain & sprockets, but those were up for replacement anyway). My left side fairing got scraped on the road but only in about a 2" spot -- where the graphics sticker is, so unless you're up close, its hard to notice anyway. :p Gives my bike more character!!

I'm anxious to get her up & running again because in the meantime I'm stuck riding a friend's Kawasaki ZX-14. Yes, I realize I just typed that. It's just that the ZX-14 is a b#@%& on tight corners and even though she's really balanced, she doesn't scoot around like the FZ6R. I like my "little engine that could" m'cycle. :eek:
ROFL A ZX-14, I remember a few years ago when I decided I wanted a motorcycle sometime in the future, I wanted a ZX-14. How dumb was that! I shake my head at the 17 yr old version of me, now I want a cbr 600rr, but I'm waiting until I can give it to myself as a present for graduating college( in 2-3 yrs). Plus it's being redesigned! Just thinking about a SS motorcycle kind of scares me sometimes. I'm on my "little engine that could" going 50 mph with just a little flick of my wrist.

I'm glad you and the bike are okay. I hope you get her up and running soon, I would cry if I couldn't ride mine. I don't have any riding buddies so I'd be stuck walking :D
Glad you're OK.

Are you a software engineer? You've got the right approach: a little loose-so what? No biggy, it SHOULD work for now. What's the worst that can happen? We'll get to it in time.

Apparently also applicable to the nuclear power industry.
OMG, Beth I am so glad that you are OK and that your bike is not busted up to bad. It pays to have ATGATT, it just seems that lately alot of 6R's are kissing the ground.:eek:
I would just check on that part number that was posted earlier. I am having to replace mine and there are some good deals online if you just search for them.
