Body Armour


New Member
Hello all !
Expecting my FZ6R in a couple of weeks. The sole purpose of possesing this bike is driving it for leisure and/or weekends. I DONT intend to drag or speed this machine to its limit. Also, along with it, have ordered a full face helmet, a elbow guard, knee & shin guards. No jacket yet as I intend to buy it in person rather then buy it online. But NO body-armour as of now, neither do I intend to, 'cos, as mentioned, its only for leisure. Ofcourse, safety is always better, but still, living in a coastal location with no hill or canyons at all in the surroundings, is the Body-armour still a prerequisite requirement !!?

How many of you do have one ?
How many of you living in similar topography have a body armour ?

Awaiting replies, suggestions :)
Even if you are the safest rider there's always the other guy that's not looking in a car. A really good full face helmet, real motorcycle boots, motorcycle jacket, and gloves can make all the difference of serious injury or not and often life and death. I saw a video on the Alpinestars factory and how things are made there. I was amazed to see how everything was tested for 1000's of cycles and designed ergonomically to prevent riders from suffering injury. I don't particulary like wearing all this stuff all the time either but I know if something happens I have my best chance of getting threw it. Life is too precious and I want to continue to live a healthy and happy life and keep doing the things I love to do. Be safe don't learn the hard way.
Whether your riding consists of hills, curves, straights, city, whatever, if you go down on any of them, your gonna want protection.

EDIT: After typing this, I realized what some of you might be thinking....yes, it can apply to other things in life as well. :D:D
ATGATT! :rof: even, after riding, er, uhm... hmm, just no way around it!

BTW, PnB-2K9, have you looked at anything in particular for gear? I'm not sure what all is available to you locally, but if you have a few shops around, that's the best place to start. You'll want to get the sizing right, you can save a few $$$'s with online shopping, but if you can get it local, you can always try it on before buying and see the quality of the gear. If you look around the site here, you'll find great reviews on jackets and other gear. Good luck

@Roaddawg: ... lol, .. why take a protective gear if we really going down ;-).

Coming back, a penny saved is a penny earned, but why compromise. 1.)live in a location where theres no shop for bikers, few rare sources of it may be charging double considering the fact that its still gonna be cheaper then to travel out to buy and coming back. .. shall def. buy once am landing in the US or UK, lets see which one comes first. 2.) .. being of a athletic stature and 5'11', not easy to know what size is right, while shopping online ie.
And so, guess best thing is to visit my yamaha seller/dealer's site, and choose the best "cannot-go-wrong" gear viz. gloves & guards. So shall be waiting for my trip b4 going for the shoes and armoured jackets.

Thanks you all for your replies .. but then, keep them coming, few extra suggestions of safety are always good.
It is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

No one intends to crash or get hit, but that's why they call it an 'accident' and not an 'on purpose'.

Ride safe.
It is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

No one intends to crash or get hit, but that's why they call it an 'accident' and not an 'on purpose'.

Ride safe.

There are 2 types of biker.
Those that have gone down
and those that will go down

Be prepared to go down....
Most of us agree that you should always wear full gear while riding whenever possible and to always buy the best amount of protection that you can comfortably afford... With so many closeout deals, it's difficult to argue that it's too expensive. Plus, big-picture wise there very little argument against protecting your skin- which is irreplaceable- for a few measely hundred bucks...

In actuality, most of us keep a combo of 2 types of gear- both full and partial. Full gear is obviously for canyons & all-out, longer duration riding. Partial is not "unprotected," but more like lighter gear for casual, less intense rides- ie to bike meets or local. It still encompasses the same areas of armor & protection- just watered down a bit.

I think Jon Kerr is our forum's token authority for gear... :)
This is what I bought. You buy it straight from the factory with no tax and shipping.
Level 2 protection and certifications for both Europe and the USA.

The kidney belt and articulating lower back really work great.

Velocity Gear - Motorcycle Body Armor & Motorcycle Gloves - Protective Gear

Hi, really nice product, & even more nicer price. Only question, have you got ANY sort of complain against this product viz. too tight by 'any' place, or stitches breaking, or not enough durable, etc. ?!!?
Hi, really nice product, & even more nicer price. Only question, have you got ANY sort of complain against this product viz. too tight by 'any' place, or stitches breaking, or not enough durable, etc. ?!!?

The product is solid. No issues at all. fit form and function is superb.
The waist strap is adjustable vis velcro and is like 8" wide and the kidney belt strap is independently adjustable side to side via velcro over the waist strap.
This thing moves with you and is very comfortable and stays put.
