Wow lane splitting to a whole new level

Thanks for the vid. I can see it where you're at, the lanes are reasonably far apart, and you don't lane split when the traffic is going faster than 20-25 mph it seems. I could see myself doing the same. That'd be impossible here as close as the lanes are, and there are very few spots where traffic really slows down like that. Its more red lights, but between that its 0-50 mph pretty quickly.

Yeah, I'm taking it safe and slow in the video. There are some dumb asses that go 50+ MPH through when the traffic is only moving 15-20 (or even stopped). That's plain stupid and actually NOT legal. You still have to ride safe and prudent. Hauling ass, in and out of traffic, like a jack wad is not legal lane splitting/ it done? Yeah, all the time. Doesn't mean its legal and the right way to do it.

Tbh if the traffic is doing 50+ you've got to weigh up your time saving.

2 minutes isn't worth my life so you won't catch me doing filtering above approx 35-40mph even on the motorway. You need time to react to stuff.

In fact in the uk, it'd be considered driving without due care if you got caught doing 70mph filters through 50mph traffic, increased stopping distances and all that.

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