Windshield paint?

Krylon Fusion Paint (black gloss)...It bonds with plastic and gives a great look.

I actually painted my windshield this weekend and it turned out fantastic.


1: Remove windshield
2: Wash & Clean Windshield
3: Tape off the sides to avoid spashback spray and accidently painting the front.
4: Paint only the side that faces YOU the rider, do not pain the front.
5: Apply coats 8" or so away (you do not want to be too close) and avoid spraying an area to heavily to minimize the risk of pooling the paint.
6: Do some additional Coats and after allowing to dry, hold the shield up directly in light to see if you missed any spots.
7: enjoy!
Soap and water to clean it. Krylon Fusion paint for plastic. Taped off the front so I didn't paint it, then I applied several light coats to the back. Turned out great.
where do u get that paint? sounds like hobby store stuff?

spray can?

Yep, I picked up a rattle can at Wally World. Just about anywhere that sells spray paint should carry it. It's a pretty popular brand of paint.
Walmart has it. Its only like $5-$6 if I remember correctly...

I have not done my yet but AM familiar with the paint! and just as a reinforcement...when these guys say light coats........THEY MEAN LIGHT COATS. the stuff will run quicker than snot if you get too much on an area........!!!!

I want to put a design into not sure what yet....but good luck....

