Who has the most guts?



I think I do, any challengers?


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one ride home and my bike puts that to shame ;) Ill take a pic of my splatterings tonight
You know where this is leading don't you?

lemme go down on the river road tonight, I'll have to wash my helmet halfway through so I can see ahead lol
I get so many bugs on my faceshield I pull over at a gas station and use the windshield washer scrubber thingy on my faceshield, along with paper towls. People stare, but it works.
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ive hit several june bugs but never got one to stick jut a headache from the blowback of a .22 cal

got to love the potato bugs...

It's love bug season in my area so the bike is parked until further notice....

I refuse to ride when they are in their breeding cycles. I can't stand the stench of their dead bodies.
It gets pretty insane here in fla. my biggest fear is hitting a huge bumble bee though lol
ill post pics of the bike tomorrow in the sunlight....

