when i ride

leprecaun jon

Elite Member
I need to get gear. I am a new rider go eight miles to work and eight back backroads. Just a helmet although I did order a new pair of gloves. I ride within my means but can't control what others do. Thankfully so far in the three weeks I've been riding I have been relatively lucky.
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I need riding pants. My last pants got torn when I wrecked my buddies gsxr600 track bike. Oops!
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I have never been mocked for wearing gear with the exception of once on a forum. The guy was a troll though.

As far as high beams during the day, people who do that whether they are in a car or motorcycle piss me off. I find the brights create too much glare even during the day. Wear neon if you want to be seen. It is far more effective than high beams in my opinion. High beams wash out motorcycle and rider detail on my old eyes and makes it more difficult to judge distance and speed of the on coming motorcycle. Sure you are more obnoxious/visible with the high beam but you are also much harder to focus on and assess your intentions.
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I need to get gear. I am a new rider go eight miles to work and eight back backroads. Just a helmet although I did order a new pair of gloves. I ride within my means but can't control what others do. Thankfully so far in the three weeks I've been riding I have been relatively lucky.

leatherup.com is a pretty good site too.
My bike has ordinary halogen headlights and -not- the crazy, blinding HID's that most riders mod their headlights into. With regular halogens, the high beam is honestly not that bright, and u can't even tell its a high beam during the daytime.

I've been riding with my high beams on since I got my bike. And, I always will, because I feel that the safety outweighs the negatives. I pass by cops all the time and not a single time have they said anything or pulled me over for it either.

Like I said. Non-HIDs are not blinding at all.

Don't worry about what others say or think. Your decisions are the most important. Keeping your skin on is a meaningful game plan;)

Focus all your attention on where you are headed and take a quick glance at all intersections. Good habits will keep you safe and smiling in that Arai helmet!

Next time you wave drop your left arm near your knee and make a V with the first 2 fingers. You should get the reaction you are looking for. For the next few months DON'T look to see if they wave back.

Ride safe..
Jon,,, I am very glad to hear that you are wearing gear. In 1982 (yes 30 years ago) I bought my 1st Sport Bike and I was the only person around here that wore leather jacket,leather pants,gloves,helmet, and a pair of Yamaha leather motocross boots. I took alot of flack from alot of people for wearing "gear". No matter what the temp I always wore it. Some motorcyclists just do not get the idea of ATGATT and have the "ain't going to happen to me attitude". Well accidents can happen to everyone. Ignore those idiots who mock you..hopefully they will never have a spill and find out why you keep geared up. Safe riding my friend.:Sport:

Jon, you've lived in NOVA long enough to know there are 2 reasons why you wont get waved back: 1) in this traffic, if you take a hand off the bar, you might eat it. 2) It's NOVA, people are dicks! Get out in to the country and people will wave across a 15 yard wide median...so basically, dont ride in Fairfax, PWC, or Loudoun, and people will wave.
