What I learned over the weekend


New Member
I learned to have ALOT of respect for our machines, along with everyone on here who rides them. I did well riding, but for the first time I had to take 35W southbound through the twin cities. Four lanes of traffic at 70-80mph bumper to bumper for the most part. It was a very white knuckle ride, I tried my best to stay calm and relaxed but traffic was consistently moving 15-20 mph over the speed limit, and there are some fairly sharp unmarked corners for speeds So I had no Idea how to guage what speed to take it at and still comfortably keep up with traffic because everyone sped up to the corner them slams on their brakes and then BAM! Accelerates back to 75-80mph. :eek:

After I got through that, And got down to Savage where I was staying at a local hotel, I Decided to go to a resturaunt called NIESENS. It was pretty good food over all, and they has a Johnny Cash tribute band(They were excellent, Ill post a vid a little later) and on my way back to the hotel, I saw a purse laying in the middle of the street in front of some condominiums. I opened it up and looked inside for an ID, and thankfully this lady had one of those address stickers for Envelopes right on her wallet with her phone number written on it, that matched her ID. So I called her and it turns out she was an 86 year old lady named Margarett who cant go down the stairs by herself(She uses the elevator if she has to leave). She said her grandson was in a big hurry and just dropped her off outside, and she didnt realise she dropped her purse as she tried getting out of the street right away. Well she started crying and calling me a saint, so on and so fourth. Returned her purse and she wouldn't leave me alone about rewarding me in a time where no one would ever do what I did, and I finally broke down and said she could give me the money. I tried leaving it on her kitchen table as I left and she was a smart little lady, she grabbed it off the table and told me I better take it, and to call my mother and tell her she raised a good man! :p

Then the next morning I woke up, had a great hotel breakfast consisting of a waffle, and a vanilla yogurt! I then continued down to our meeting spot for the ride and hung out there and filled up with some PREMIUM $4.08 a gallon fuel, got two bottles of water, and a 5 hour energy as the past two days I didnt sleep very well I was to excited for the trip. Well djf18374, 612Raven, and Fz6 all met up and prepped for the ride and went to the sign up/registration area. We had about two hours to wait then we were off on the ride! While we were there, there were so many bikes it was incredible! A number of cruisers, litre bikes(Only a few), and even a couple ducati cafe' cruisers! It was a huge turn out and alot of fun, for the most part they were all pretty nice people, atleast the ones willing to talk to us sportbike riders.

And we were off for an excellent 80-100 mile cumulative trip, with 3 stops throughout for all the harley guys to grab there beer :iconbeer: Idk how anyone can drink and ride a motorcycle, its hard enough sober.

And so here is the tally of things I learned on this ride:

  1. everyone likes to follow alot closer than what I am used to
  2. Tar snakes are extremly scary the first time you hit one, even after the first they still make you loose your stomach a bit
  3. Cross winds in a twisty is a different breed of cross wind
  4. When accelerating hard when lined up with another bike, remember to shift after second gear because the rev limiter causing loss of power is kind of scary at 80mph
  5. that harley guys enjoy burnouts to show whos got a bigger set of nutz, but it cost them about $500 to replace their tires after two burnout sessions
  6. semi-drunk guys like to try and buy you beer when your sober and tell you that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, lol, I just laughed and said Id preffer to keep the killing myself to a minimum
  7. When travelling in a group and you go fast to catch back up, its hard when the people infront are going faster lol
  8. To take the little crap people are going to give me for riding at my own pace and my own comfort level because at the end of the day I have a fiance and family I want to come home to, If I ride outside that limit, I dont feel comfortable!
  9. That harley guys must enjoy the taste of bugs because none of them wore helmets
  10. Lastly, Make sure the settings are right on your camera for angles and that its pointed in the right direction(Not downward, even though it looks lined up) and test your footage before you go on your first big trip and want to have all the footage. Yeah, most of it is just of pavement passing by...DAMNIT

Well I have to head off to my Madre's for mothers day! Toodles ya'll. Ill post pics and the vid a little later on. :cool:

ps. yes, I said toodles
Which ride was this? Did you guys crash a Harley party?
Kudos for returning the purse. I would guess about half of people would have done the same thing.

It's tough to learn to ride your own ride. That's why I sometimes don't understand group riding. It's a terrible thing to feel pressured to ride quickly. Recipe for disaster.

When I ride with my friend who is a much better rider than me (he rides a Buell XB9), I just let him take off in the corners. I catch up to him when I have a safe straight.

Have you considered taking a sport riding course on a track?
I for one am glad you had a blast. It looks like a fun gathering for sure. That statement above LMAO. I have over 3 hours of video and bad bad angles. I'm going to try ONE MORE thing before velcroing this pos kodak mini to the outside of my helm. :surrender: But then i'll have to add voice over later.. Might not be a bad idea...

I had mine mounted on the helmet which I like. Im going to voice over using a voice recorder with a mic. Easiest way to Mvlog in my opinion! I like how having it on the helmet will allow the viewer to see what I see when I turn my head, and so on! But yea isnt it so disheartening looking at the footage all excited, only to see its bad angles? lol :spank:

litterally when I plugged it in my face went from :D.....:eek:....:eek:....:(

Which ride was this? Did you guys crash a Harley party?

It was a fun run charity ride it was alot of fun :)

Kudos for returning the purse. I would guess about half of people would have done the same thing.

It's tough to learn to ride your own ride. That's why I sometimes don't understand group riding. It's a terrible thing to feel pressured to ride quickly. Recipe for disaster.

When I ride with my friend who is a much better rider than me (he rides a Buell XB9), I just let him take off in the corners. I catch up to him when I have a safe straight.

Have you considered taking a sport riding course on a track?

Yes I have, and will eventually! I dont have any concern about riding at my own pace, I wasnt riding below speed limits or anything like that, just not doing 20 over in the corners and 40+ on the straights on roads I dont know. Not saying people were driving stupid by any means, just have a higher skill level and or confidence level than I do for going over whats posted. Ive seen to many people go off the road or get smoked by other cars, where I stand behind my name, Cautious Corner! Made the name for a reason....:welcome: lol
I learned to have ALOT of respect for our machines, along with everyone on here who rides them. I did well riding, but for the first time I had to take 35W southbound through the twin cities. Four lanes of traffic at 70-80mph bumper to bumper for the most part. It was a very white knuckle ride, I tried my best to stay calm and relaxed but traffic was consistently moving 15-20 mph over the speed limit, and there are some fairly sharp unmarked corners for speeds So I had no Idea how to guage what speed to take it at and still comfortably keep up with traffic because everyone sped up to the corner them slams on their brakes and then BAM! Accelerates back to 75-80mph. :eek:

LMAO! You just described what I had to learn with, it looks like people in NYC drive like that most of the time. If you have ever or ever drive on Manhattan Highways it's SO nerve racking because they fit 3 lanes in absolutely no shoulders, and they're going 20 mph over th limit!

Looks like you had great fun, Good Sh&t!
Hey there C.C.(Josh) glad you had a good time and stuck it through. Also glad you found the owner of the purse. You know what they say about carma,what goes around,,comes around. BTW one of my cats (20+ LBS) is named Toodles or Toods as we some times call him,so I am used to the word. My cat is allot rounder now than he is in this pic.

Hey there C.C.(Josh) glad you had a good time and stuck it through. Also glad you found the owner of the purse. You know what they say about carma,what goes around,,comes around. BTW one of my cats (20+ LBS) is named Toodles or Toods as we some times call him,so I am used to the word. My cat is allot rounder now than he is in this pic.

Every time I say toodles Ill always think of ur tabby ;)
