What do you guys look like? post your pic

i love them but the military has pretty strict regs as to what we can wear and uniform and I can't wear them so i only wear them on the weekends mainly.
Well here I am with my future wife xD We've been together for almost 3 yrs now.

Enjoy your Airman days bro!!! Haha. Being a SSgt is about perfect in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, life as a SMSgt is pretty chill, but it's very boring at times too. I miss launching loaded jets and watching them come back empty.

Here is a pic from 2 weeks ago on the morning I left Joint Base Balad, Iraq. This motley crew was our Sq supervision, Chief on the right, 3 SMSgt's and 2 MSgt pro-supers. Basically all the old dudes.

Rjohnson, the AF is a very small place, the second pic is a guy I worked for when I was a SSgt and he was a MSgt. Ten years later he is a contractor (making crazy money) and I'm still AD and we bump into each other in freakin Iraq...what are the odds? Small AF world.

Don't miss that place much.

Hey Jay S. I just want to thank you and all your buddies pictured, for your service to all of us here in the U.S. Thank you for your service.
Jeezus you guys are youngsters well I don't feel as old as I am!

Just come across this photo and thought I would share. This is way back in 1997, so before digital camera days. I am the goalie. This is at the national tournament, the biggest competition for the year. I was the goalie for my state during my under 18 years.

And for those observant, yes there is hockey down under. Although this is roller hockey (sheets of ice are rare here) and back in those days the game was fairly big considering how far from main stream it is here.

As I said... Please excuse the shitty photo... Pre-digital days. I have very, very few photos of me playing hockey.


2nd edit: try that...
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Found some of me actually on my bike (I'm just posing btw, I wasn't riding so don't mind the lack of gear, this was the day I got my bike haha)


Me and the wife late June this year.
