well i finally did it.....straight pipe!!


New Member
well i finally did it.....straight pipe....video is up!!!

so i took my one piece off and cut the black box "cat" off with a bandsaw very very cleanly so i can always put it back to stock.. i took a 3'' exhaust pipe piece with a slight curve in it and angled tip and butted it up and welded it. also made a small bracket to hang it off stock location it looks like stock but it is so so so so loud im putting it back to stock asap you can hear it for MILES!!! i will post a video here in a couple hours when i get home your going to **** your pants:eek:

What do you think...I think I am going to put it back to stock... It gives me a headache lol:banghead::banghead::banghead:

To hear it as a casual observer, it sounds great, :thumbup:. To have to live and ride with it would probably drive me insane :eek:
I hate to say I told you so...

Actually, no, I love to say it. ;)

I told you so.

What do you think...I think I am going to put it back to stock... It gives me a headache lol:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Ummm...no muffler = headache...:disapprove:
I'd adjust the chain a little dude, it looks pretty loose in the riding into the garage segment of your vid. Try making yourself a baffle of some type before you give up, it looks really good compared to the stock pipe, and there has to be something you can do besides give up on it, it's just too cool for that.

RZ350 Rider
your wheel tape round? Looked kinda polygonish. As for the sound, yea you will hate it. Two bros is the way to go. You guys get all new headers too...
sounds like an angry lawnmower.

a VERY angry lawnmower.

I have scorpions and they give me a headache after a few hours. That thing gave me a headache while watching the video I cant imagine how it must be to ride.

I know a lot of work went into that, and honestly dont look at it as being a waste of time. Any work done on a bike brings you closer to it and improves your relationship. IT is a good thing. Just didnt work out on the exhaust this time is all.

Get scorpions man they rock.
EARPLUG'S.......problem solved!!!:rockon::D

Exactly, no worse than those darn choppers and their noisy pipes. Nice job, that got me all excited to hear our bike unleashed :thumbup:
FWIW, I took the stock muffler set up and had a tailpc, 2 1/4" , welded on at the local muffler shop. It made a significant difference. The sound was deeper and louder than stock, still tolerable. A customer said it sounded like his R1. I posted a vid under fz6r mods,if interested.
This is the Po Po! Yer under Arrest! LOL! LOL! That's stupid loud! Put a can on that thing....

Have Fun!
That's pretty loud but not as loud as my last bike (VTX1300 with cobra lowboy staggered pipes w/out baffles). I like the quiet, maybe just bit louder but would love to get rid of the "big black box" LOL.
I have to agree..... it sounds like an "very angry lawnmower".
It just made too much rattling noise when you revved her, unlike a TB or Scorps that makes that deep noise with very little or no rattling noise at all.
As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. At least you learned this is not the way to go.
Re: well i finally did it.....straight pipe....video is up!!!

Sounds good looks like crap but thats just me no offense.

Re: well i finally did it.....straight pipe....video is up!!!

I think it looks pretty tuff!:cool:
