Waiting to renew motorcycle insurance due to points...?


New Member
Some background - I received a ticket on 3/27/09 but was convicted in May of the same year resulting in two points on my license.

My motorcycle insurance expired last week. If I wait until it has been 3 years or more since I last received any tickets with points, I qualify for the 25% safe driving discount since my bike is not considered a sports bike.

Now, i'm wondering whether I will qualify for the discount 3 years since I got the ticket, or 3 years since my conviction date. I would call the motorcycle insurance company but they're currently closed.

If its three years since the date I received the ticket, I can ride more than a month earlier this year. Can anyone provide any insight into this?
Well I'd say you screwed yourself by letting your insurance expire, because having continuous insurance gets you a discount as well. If you had gotten your policy and then your 3 year safe driving kicks in they'll knock it down the next time your policy renews, typically six months.

Yeah spoke to them on Friday and they said they ended their discount for continuous insurance in January. Good to know for the future if I ever switch insurance companies.

it is from the conviction date. Think of it like a probation time for a crime, just because you got the ticket several months before doesn't mean you it was reportable to the insurance company yet seeing as you hadn't gone to court and been "convicted" of your "crime". So from the court/conviction date you will need to wait the 3 years for it to come off.

I would also wait until the month after, that way you will not have to worry about it being on the books for the month because the whoever doesn't take things off until the end of the month or something. Play it safe and don't do it too early. Just don't be riding without insurance.
