Unable to downshift from 2nd to 1st

Worthy of note,

DONT kick the shit out of your gear lever, you will damage it and then you will be doubly pissed!

Just follow the suggestions supplied here already!

Let the Clutch out a bit, bring it in and then change
Learn to blip to the throttle on downshift
If is still stuck rock her back and forth

Remember gently does it,
...forcing things to occur can often make unforeseen things occur too!;)
^^ Actually sounds like your clutch is being very effective. The better it disengages (decouples engine from trans) the worse this problem gets.

As suggested above, Either roll the bike slightly or let the clutch out a hair.
Internal to the transmission are clutch dogs. They are either "in" or "out". In the picture below the protruding cogs (clutch dog) fit into the adjacent gear when its selected. Should by chance you stop and the COGs are aligned with the fillet separating the receiving cog, its just not going to go until one of the positions change.

It's normal on all bikes. Ones with a clutch that doesn't fully disengage are less noticeable as the clutch plates exhibit drag trying the spin the input shaft to the trans. Oil quality can greatly effect how much drag a wet clutch has has.


I had a lot of problem getting from second to third when I first got it, in that I would have to really yank up on the shifter to get it to go. It seems to have gotten much smoother as I completed the break in period. I have only had trouble going into first or neutral at a stop and like everyone says if you just roll the bike a few inches it will let you in.
