Triple Digit Temp and ATGATT


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When it's triple digits I just drive... Risking heat exhaustion and slippery roads just aren't worth it to me.

But I agree that if u r going to be out there on two wheels to still be ATGATT.

Its truthfully not that bad, I wear a joe rocket phoenix 5.0 and sans my back protector (pro sub 4) it vents very well. I slack on lower body protection except for Steel Toe Boots, but Its nothing to carry an extra shirt if your worried about sweat, and i see plenty of riders sweating without additional gear why not add a little bit to the mix. Perforated or mesh jackets work surprisingly well, don't let the misnomer of 'jacket' throw you off.
That's real hot. It hasn't got into the 40s for the last few summers here.

If I'm in my leather jacket and it gets hot, I open the zip and keep the top button done up, then the wind billows in the jacket. I also open the zips at the cuffs and let the wind blow thru. If I'm doing more than 45 km/h its cooler.

I have the mesh jacket and kevlar jeans if its too hot.
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When it's triple digits I just drive... Risking heat exhaustion and slippery roads just aren't worth it to me.

But I agree that if u r going to be out there on two wheels to still be ATGATT.


This is me... When it's nasty hot like this I just drive... July and august are about the worst months to ride down here in Florida. I haven't been on a bike in a couple weeks because of it. I refuse to go out in such nasty heat. I'll ride all winter long down here but come the nasty summer months you wont find me on the roads on 2 wheels unless for some crazy reason it cools off for a day. By the end of September it should start to get tolerable outside again and that's when I plan to buy my next bike as it is. I still ride one of my friends here and there but right now I have been saying "pssshhaw, no way..."

When it's nice and cold out I put on so much gear that if I do go down, I'll just be landing on lots of padding... LOL. I put the nice wind breaker in my jacket along with the nice padded insulation liner, lol. It works great for a pillow during camping trips after I get in my sleeping bag. I also prefer to go camping in the winter time as well as it's much nicer at that time of year IMO. Hell, I enjoyed it when we had to field training in the winter, best time for me.
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I have a Dianese Air Flux jacket. I don't believe you can get "meshier" than that. I rode the other day (106 degrees) without it. I don't normally squid, and I certainly don't advocate it, however, it's not normally post-100 degrees in Atlanta.
As efficient as the Dianese is, I was cooler without it. With it, I felt over the edge, even with the Heat-Out shirt underneath (which works incredibly well sub-100 degrees).... Perhaps it's some dynamic of evaporative cooling, I don't know.
Still wore my kevlar Jeans, my Moment of Truth boots (great for this weather), and A*'s Air Carbon gloves, as well as my Scorpion lid (it's not as plush as my Arai, and therefore a bit cooler - and actually vents a bit better).
With the stock windscreen, I can't say the massive wind hitting my chest felt bad...
While I'm definitely a big believer in full gear, normally, these last couple of days have been anything but normal...

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Hi guys! I guess I haven't checked in on the forums since fall, just got out of the habit I suppose.

My 6R is still my main form of transportation (my wife has a car, I get the bike) so I've still managed to commute to work every day for the last year, winter included, except for a handful of days where the weather was just too bad, rain gear or not, in which case my wife would drop me off at work.

That being said, I hope to finally buy a second car this month (my birthday!). It'll be a year since I sold the scooter for the 6R, and I've finally come to the conclusion that riding a bike just isn't as fun when I don't *choose* to ride a bike. These 100+ degree days lately and the 30 degree mornings in winter and the heavy rainy June days just take the enjoyment right out of it.

So if you're not enjoying it because of the heat / cold / rain / whatever, why ride a bike? So hopefully soon I'll be investing in my second car, and because of limited garage space I have to decide if I'm keeping the bike or not. Ideally I want to keep it for nice days, but if everything won't fit in my garage its got to go. Recent crime in our city won't allow me to comfortably keep it, or the car, out on the road.

I'm with you, here in the Southeast, its just too damn hot once it hits 90+ with 60%+ humidity. I don't go without my gear (or at least helmet, jacket, gloves) and working in an office, it doesn't look very good to show up to work all sweaty either. In reality we want to move away from the Southeast in general, so one day far in the future I hope to have a bike I can ride around in a more comfortable climate, even if it means I ride less in the winter.

Sooo hot today...I'm actually looking forward to buying a cage :(
My car has no AC so its hotter to take the car haha. Oh it sucks... At least we are not being blasted with the heat like the rest of you are.
My car has no AC so its hotter to take the car haha. Oh it sucks... At least we are not being blasted with the heat like the rest of you are.

In all seriousness, my wife and I have discussed moving to Oregon or Colorado within the last week. We took a long vacation to Europe a month back, and when we came back it really drove home how much we hate the weather here, the people, and pretty much the whole area...

If I found a job with the same salary in either of those places tomorrow, I wouldn't think twice about moving...
In all seriousness, my wife and I have discussed moving to Oregon or Colorado within the last week. We took a long vacation to Europe a month back, and when we came back it really drove home how much we hate the weather here, the people, and pretty much the whole area...

If I found a job with the same salary in either of those places tomorrow, I wouldn't think twice about moving...

You should! You wont regret it. It is beautiful out here.

Weather Headlines -

perpetual summer

I was almost always cold. While riding and living in Florida was certainly warmer than in NY, I was used to wearing jeans all year long anyways. The MOST IMPORTANT thing to do in hot weather is to stay hydrated. I noticed that bad thinking and dehydration happened after as little as 30 minutes of riding in Florida heat. I won't bore anyone with the physiology of it. But if you are sweating you are losing essential body fluids. Dehydration can be deadly in and of itself let alone being on a motorcycle AND dehydrated. Sometimes water won't cut it and I need more than water, like gatorade or powerade, preferably cool NOT cold. Also, if the air is dry you won't necessarily know you are dehydrated because your sweat is evaporating quickly.

Now as a woman of a certain age, I am warm most of the time all year round. My leather winter/fall jacket is perforated along with my white/gray summer mesh jacket. Just bought some lighter weight, more perforated gloves that also have special finger tips for using my phone. But I wish they were also white/gray. Now I want some white/gray perforated over pants that I can wear over shorts. And of course they have to be the right price.

WHOA!!!! ANGRYANT!!! I was just wondering the other day what happened to you! Seemed like you fell of the earth! LOL
Welcome Back!!!

Thanks Greg! Yeah I think I just got burned out at work and when I came home, I refused to even look at a computer, much less browse forums and the like. A vacation cleared that up a little :)

In other news, its not quite as hot here now - I just rode home through a thunderstorm :mad:

/still looking forward to having a cage to drive...if all goes well, it's gonna match my bike!
