Ticket For The Wrong Man!

It's was a 2vs1 case, I've never done this sort of thing before and they had 2 cops fighting against me. I bet they can sleep at night knowing they lied and cheated to ruin someone's future.

I don't believe they are "lieing" or "cheating" but are simply rather mistaken and going on the facts that they have. As you said your brother is the guilty one, do you two look similar enough that you may easily be confused for one another when going 30+mph on a bike? Its a shame, but hopefully you can get it figured out or atleast have your brother take responsibility for his actions. If he won't, then get whatever evidence you can and explain to the court that it was your brother that commited the violation.
I don't believe they are "lieing" or "cheating" but are simply rather mistaken and going on the facts that they have. As you said your brother is the guilty one, do you two look similar enough that you may easily be confused for one another when going 30+mph on a bike? Its a shame, but hopefully you can get it figured out or atleast have your brother take responsibility for his actions. If he won't, then get whatever evidence you can and explain to the court that it was your brother that commited the violation.

I'm Asian, enough said. Many people find it hard to tell a difference. You can look at anyone going that fast and they will look the same as well.

Though my brother and I are kind of opposites. I have long hair he has shorter hair. He's a bit bigger and fatter and I'm thinner.
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They estimated the speed, how?
Was the bike the same color?
Did they see the MC plate?

I'm scratching my head on how they can convict you because you own a motorcycle. Your Mother apparently does too.
So if there are 2 possible motorcycles that could have done this, what was the compelling reason to select you and not the other bike?

Did the Judge even allow you to tell your side of it?

Bottom line is that the court system is only to make money. It is not for justice. The lawyers and the Judges all belong to the same country clubs and want everyone that comes to court to pay whether they are guilty or not. This was they all can live lavish lifestyles.
I had a lawyer read a statement from me verbatim in the Judges chambers to the DA one time right in front of the Judge. I had a 100% alibi was completely innocent with verifiable proof but they wanted me to plead guilty to some crappy a$$ infraction just to drop the case or go to trial which would have cost more than $20,000.00.

"You can shove this bull$hit phony charge up your A$$ as I'd rather spend 20 years in jail than plead guilty to something that I did not do and then after I get out I'm coming for your family and then for you".

Case dismissed.......Sometimes you gotta play hardball and it sounds like you didn't have your game face on today. The right questions could have tossed the Cop's testimony and gotten you off.

Sorry man but trying to fight it after a conviction is both expensive and next to impossible and you won't be compensated even if you win. Make your Brother PAY PAY PAY......
They estimated the speed, how?
Was the bike the same color?
Did they see the MC plate?

I'm scratching my head on how they can convict you because you own a motorcycle. Your Mother apparently does too.
So if there are 2 possible motorcycles that could have done this, what was the compelling reason to select you and not the other bike?

Did the Judge even allow you to tell your side of it?

They shot a radar, hence the ticket in the mail of the radar used and the cop said he had the training papers to prove he has passed the tests to use it. Bike was the same color Blue 96 Suzuki (Blue 09 FZ6r)
Yes they did see the plate as that's how they traced it back to my mom's address to me.

They convicted me mainly because I'm the only one in the house that has a mc license yet my mother (brother has the mc in her name) doesn't.

The reason they selected me because apparently it fits, he "saw me, and I'm the same person that he saw that day apparently". That is my mom that they pulled up and I do have a motorcycle license. I told the judge I have 3 older brothers whom could have rode the motorcycle but I have no proof or anything of where I was that day (like I mentioned it wasn't a special day or anything) and that he actually rode the motorcycle that day.
I had a similar situation....There is no way they can make a positive identification if you are going 30 mph on a bike that had a tag from another person and household. If ya don't own the bike, and they didn't stop ya and get your ID, there is reasonable doubt and the Judge should not have convicted you.

So they basically just told a bold faced lie to he Judge and said they saw YOU on the bike.
Now that is chicken $hit!.....
Almost makes a guy want to do things that he shouldn't but the thoughts sure feel real.

These are the Cops that really give all the good ones a bad name....shameful!
Maybe some will now understand why I am so hard on LEO.

Makes me wonder whatever happened to the concept of "reasonable doubt."

But then, with today's aggressive methods used by modern LEO, your brother might just be grateful they didn't fire a bullet into his back or run him down.
just curious and not sure if it would matter...

the bike that your brother rode is in your moms name, is your bike in yours moms name as well or yours?
if they are both in your moms name then they should clearly see 2 bikes.
if your bike is in your name then you shouldnt be involved.

sucks dude
just curious and not sure if it would matter...

the bike that your brother rode is in your moms name, is your bike in yours moms name as well or yours?
if they are both in your moms name then they should clearly see 2 bikes.
if your bike is in your name then you shouldnt be involved.

sucks dude

Nope, all of my bikes are in my own name, and my brother's bike is in my mom's name. Hence I have Under 21 on all of my plates while his doesn't.

So I'm not involved at all, but they just dragged me in because I have a mc license.

A friend of mine says I should fight it as well, even though the fine is minor my insurance will skyrocket when I do get it.
this is totally messed up... u definitely should fight it. and, ur brother is a jerk for riding around and not stopping when getting pulled over... <sigh>

when u were in court, i assume that u explained all the details to the judge, but he/ she just didn't buy it and only listened to what the cops said???


Then appeal it, they didn't have a case in the first place, and it should not have gotten that far. It def. should not stand up the next time.

Also, how's your Mom on this? Is she on your side? If the bike was in her name, how do the cops know it wasn't her on the bike?

Anyway, you only have so many days to get into the courts that you want to appeal, get to it! :) Not sure how it is nowadays, but back when I looked into something like this, you could consult with a lawyer and get advice fairly cheap. They go to court with you, it's a bit more, but you should be able to at least check it out with a mc friendly lawyer.

Check the local law for cost and time limits for the appeal.
Then make your Brother pay for the lawyer to get you off the ticket..At least have Mom sell the bike to pay if Brother balks on the payment.
