This is what happens when you steal

Serves him right.
Since this happened in New York, the officer will be the one going to jail most likely. Shooting someone is frowned upon, doing it outside to prevent a theft is not justified in their minds. I personally believe that if more of this happened, there would be a lot less crime. An armed society is a polite society.
I'd like to bring back Carles Bronson in the Death Wish series. Those were really exciting movies were the crepes always got their just karma.
Since this happened in New York, the officer will be the one going to jail most likely. Shooting someone is frowned upon, doing it outside to prevent a theft is not justified in their minds. I personally believe that if more of this happened, there would be a lot less crime. An armed society is a polite society.

I agree....Since when is a motorcycle worth the life of a human being?
Not that this particular human being is worth more than a nickle..just saying...
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Off-duty cop shoots thug who tried to steal his motorcycle

Got to get it right, it was a "Thug".... and he had four priors... they had already started the bike, and who knows, the guy could have been trying to run the cop down...

Personally, I keep all my magazine filled and a round in the chamber... I wouldn't think twice if someone came on my property at 2:30 in the morning, I have a wife and four kids, someone trying to steal my property could just as easily be someone coming to harm them.

Don't tell that story to the Police if you have to use the weapon.
If you do, your wife and kids won't have a breadwinner around for a very long time.
Don't agree with shooting the man... However s**t happens when your a criminal trying to stealing other peoples stuff.... KARMA is great!
I dunno. I think people should lose their lives for lots of crimes: grand theft auto, burglary, rape, etc--normal people don't do that. Society has no need for such criminals. Why clog up "correctional facilities" and waste taxpayer money?

Fry 'em. It'd make people think twice about crimes.
Back when every house had a shotgun at least this wasn't as much of a problem..... wonder why?? There is no fear for these pricks now a days, if they get caught they get off or free stay indoors and 3 meals a day with cable tv!! Why not

it gets worse in heavy population areas!! some of the country areas arent so bad
I don't feel like such a redneck after looking at all these posts.
I would like to look at the Department regulations.
The perp seems to be very experienced and knows not to act like he has a weapon so he doesn't get shot. This is a case of if this was a civilian doing the shooting, he'd be in jail but the Police get a free pass.

"Police are investigating the circumstances of the shooting. Andrew Quinn, the sergeant's lawyer, called the shooting "eminently justified ... well within the regulations of the department."

I guess the regulations approve of shooting unarmed vehicle thieves.
Just say he made a furtive movement and it's all OK.
I don't feel like such a redneck after looking at all these posts.
I would like to look at the Department regulations.
The perp seems to be very experienced and knows not to act like he has a weapon so he doesn't get shot. This is a case of if this was a civilian doing the shooting, he'd be in jail but the Police get a free pass.

"Police are investigating the circumstances of the shooting. Andrew Quinn, the sergeant's lawyer, called the shooting "eminently justified ... well within the regulations of the department."

I guess the regulations approve of shooting unarmed vehicle thieves.
Just say he made a furtive movement and it's all OK.

Normally, I agree with most of what you say Spunky, but did you read the updated story Dart posted above your post? The one guy trying to steal the bike ran away, but his accompice, was the one who made the comment, "F--- this police s---", and then he "made some motion toward the cop and the cop lit him up,". They (the news media) didn't eladorate on what the "motion" was, but I would have to assume that it was probably something threatening looking to the officer. Fearing for his live, he made the decision to shot. They said he's an Iraq vet as well, so I'm sure he's not frightened easily. It's never good to shot someone and then come to find out they aren't armed, but it worst to hesitate under similar circumstances and the good guy ends up in a casket. The douchebag perp caused himself to get shot, armed or unarmed, don't threaten and act like a fool...easy as that. Kind of like this Chirs Rock educational video:
[ame=""]YouTube - Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police![/ame]
ouchie wowchie... xP

Yes I read the entire update and here is why I posted. The story has changed considerably since first posted in the news. Both times there were 2 perps but now one is said to have made a comment and a movement and the other one ran away. When stories change or get embellished, I get suspicious is all.

I ask you this....If you were stealing a bike (rhetorical because I know you wouldn't) and a guy identified himself as a Police officer and pulled a gun, would you say F$%k this Police s%$t and continue attempting to push a 400+ lb bike?
I'd have been out of there faster than buckshot through a goose or begging for my life depending on how far away the Police was from me. I know it was dark and "movement" has a lot of lattitude in translation.

It doesn't add up...I am still on the fence and feel that some aspects of this story are scripted to fit. Iraqi vet and Police officer may have had delayed PTSD that affected his judgment. I am not criticizing the Officer but I am saying that certain aspects of this case unfortunately don't add up.

Time will tell....

Yes I read the entire update and here is why I posted. The story has changed considerably since first posted in the news. Both times there were 2 perps but now one is said to have made a comment and a movement and the other one ran away. When stories change or get embellished, I get suspicious is all.

I ask you this....If you were stealing a bike (rhetorical because I know you wouldn't) and a guy identified himself as a Police officer and pulled a gun, would you say F$%k this Police s%$t and continue attempting to push a 400+ lb bike?
I'd have been out of there faster than buckshot through a goose or begging for my life depending on how far away the Police was from me. I know it was dark and "movement" has a lot of lattitude in translation.

It doesn't add up...I am still on the fence and feel that some aspects of this story are scripted to fit. Iraqi vet and Police officer may have had delayed PTSD that affected his judgment. I am not criticizing the Officer but I am saying that certain aspects of this case unfortunately don't add up.

Time will tell....

I see what your saying. But, maybe the media is to fault on not getting the story straight and correct and not that of the police. You can't take what you hear in the media for accurate truth either. They got stories to sell and often jump to conclusions (and to the press) before obtaining the whole story first.

Yes I read the entire update and here is why I posted. The story has changed considerably since first posted in the news. Both times there were 2 perps but now one is said to have made a comment and a movement and the other one ran away. When stories change or get embellished, I get suspicious is all.

I ask you this....If you were stealing a bike (rhetorical because I know you wouldn't) and a guy identified himself as a Police officer and pulled a gun, would you say F$%k this Police s%$t and continue attempting to push a 400+ lb bike?
I'd have been out of there faster than buckshot through a goose or begging for my life depending on how far away the Police was from me. I know it was dark and "movement" has a lot of lattitude in translation.

It doesn't add up...I am still on the fence and feel that some aspects of this story are scripted to fit. Iraqi vet and Police officer may have had delayed PTSD that affected his judgment. I am not criticizing the Officer but I am saying that certain aspects of this case unfortunately don't add up.

Time will tell....

"aspects of this case unfortunately don't add up."

perhaps some math will help:

good guy (police + veteran)
bad guy (priors + caught red handed stealing your motorcycle)
bad guy getting shot

bad guy <> victim
Should've been loaded with non-lethal rounds, or just had a pump. Nothing says 'you should rethink your next move very carefully' like the sound of a pump action shotgun in the dark...

For most people I think it's better to let the thief steal your bike. Confronting them has many risks including the end of your life. It's only a motorcycle that can be easily replaced. Spending time and money in courts defending yourself might get you some satisfaction if you win but you probably would rather have been out riding you new bike instead.:thumbup:
