This is messed up...

i re-watched the video closely again and have a few more observations... he does pop a wheelie next to the tour bus to show boat a bit- but just once. but, he's also speeding quite a bit more than i originally thought. if u watch closely, he is passing other traffic pretty fast.

that being said, however, overall it did not seem imo to warrant having a gun drawn on him. the plain clothes officer does identify himself as an officer verbally. but, he really should've flashed his badge first. i mean, if the rider really was that big a threat to warrant drawing a fiream, then why even jump right out in front of him to begin with and stand in the line of fire? that cop obviously got over-excited by the chase and goofed. well, he's human too...

now, the video camera law thing i agree is total bs. esp them raiding his house and taking his computers. any dash cam on any police car would've taken the same footage and prolly even been used in court as evidence. double standard for sure...

sorta un-related, but over here in LA on the 105 freeway, a friend of mine said that a few months back early sunday am he saw a sport bike rider going around 80, 90 mph down the carpool lane and then popped a wheelie for almost like 100+ yards. he said there was a CHP patrol car behind him too that the rider didn't see. and, the officer saw him, shook his head, but didn't do anything... i guess he figured that if the guy is that stupid, then he's dead anyways at that speed if he falls. plus traffic was light that morning, and i guess the officer felt lazy... what a lucky bastard.
I dont worry too much about this, because I wouldnt be running from cops, pullling wheelies on the freeway and driving like an ASS. Although I think all that took place after was in error and shouldnt have happened. I still would have thrown the rider in jail and beaten him with a cane stick for making the rest of us look like 'typical jerk sportbike riders'.

I was pulled over just this weekend, 75 in a 55 coming back from the coast. He wasnt happy with my speed or that I passed a car doing 65 to start with. However, that was the extent of my actions, I pulled over when the lights came on (actually, he pulled over my friend then hand signaled me to pull over too when I approached them at the side of the road). I pulled over (sure, I could have kept going and pretended I didnt see him signal and been fine). He talked to us, asked us to slow, ran our ID, sent us on our way.

I do my best to make sure I give all sport-bike riding people a good name not only with the police, but with fellow people in cars, Peds walking on the streets and riding their bikes. When I see a jack-ass do the stuff this guy did in the video, I just shake my head and know that people will see me as just one of 'them'.

Pisses me off.

Well said.

FYI...I'd just like to point out that this is quite a bit different than having a guy in jeans cut in front of you in a private vehicle and pull a gun on you.

And then have you arrested and violated just because you had a GoPro.

As far as riders...I am of the opinion that the ratio of jerkoff-riders to responsible riders is probably pretty much the same as jerkoff-cagers to responsible cagers. Here in Atlanta, I am constantly being cut off and tail-gated by cagers. I am equally annoyed by jerks in cars as I am jerks on bikes. At least the riders are generally only going to hurt themselves.

Reputation, or the self-perception of reputation, is largely abandoned by many riders and drivers these days.
Well said.

FYI...I'd just like to point out that this is quite a bit different than having a guy in jeans cut in front of you in a private vehicle and pull a gun on you.

And then have you arrested and violated just because you had a GoPro.

As far as riders...I am of the opinion that the ratio of jerkoff-riders to responsible riders is probably pretty much the same as jerkoff-cagers to responsible cagers. Here in Atlanta, I am constantly being cut off and tail-gated by cagers. I am equally annoyed by jerks in cars as I am jerks on bikes. At least the riders are generally only going to hurt themselves.

Reputation, or the self-perception of reputation, is largely abandoned by many riders and drivers these days.

Amen. As a fellow ATLien I can totally agree with the stupid driver perspective regardless of cager or not. Especially up here in Gwinnett with all of the first generation foreigners coming in from all over the world. An idiot is an idiot regardless of the vehicle they drive. Riders around here are "typically" safer than cagers because of the volume of traffic and them being fully exposed. Like any good bell curve though, there are an equal dispersion of riders that are too safe, not keeping pace with traffic, and those that showboat and pop wheelies around the perimeter during rush. But, we will always be lumped in with those that we resemble, it's human nature to do that. So riders will always be speed demons with reckless attitudes, and cagers will always be oblivious to the rest of us. Responsibility rests with the individual.
i dont know about you but the guy on the motorcycle looked too preoccupied with holding on to his bike than to pull out his 9 and pop a cap in that pigs a$$. yes it is wrong he pulled out his gun. even if he did not point it at him its still very wrong.
i dont know about you but the guy on the motorcycle looked too preoccupied with holding on to his bike than to pull out his 9 and pop a cap in that pigs a$$. yes it is wrong he pulled out his gun. even if he did not point it at him its still very wrong.

Not a fan of police are you? While I don't think it was wrong for the cop to pull out his gun (especially as he never aimed it at the guy) you gotta realize that some motorcyclists do carry deadly objects/weapons in various places on their bikes. Now I know that is primarily isolated to the more infamous gangs like The Outlaws or Hells Angels, but I do not fault the officer for having his weapon drawn just in case.

I do fault them for the aftermath though, that was retarded.

Also, how many times have you seen a police officer pull over a "caged" vehicle and walk up to the car with his gun holster unsnapped and hand at the ready, especially if the windows are tinted? Every time I got pulled over I always noticed that myself and made damn sure to keep my hands in plane view and then proceed to tell him/her about the gun(s) in the console and/or glove box. :surrender:
no i am not a fan of law enforcement. i live in a town of 5500 people and the cops feel they can do whatever they want so thier just bored and mess with us teenagers and break a lot of rules doing it, in fact they every cop on the force is under investigation except for 2 (15-20 cops here)

anyways i was in police explorers when i was a lad( sweet name for training to become a police officer right? ) and our sergeant always said the only time you pull out your gun is if you intend to use it, i understand he couldnt unsnap is holster because i didnt see one in the video but a badge would have done just fine instead of his gun but him just taking it out pointing it at his rocket then grabbing the windshield for some reason, which looked very stupid. just a stupid pig trying to be tough guy
I encourage a campaign to remove said officer if it hasn't been done already.

Joseph D Uhler, Maryland State Police Badge #3316TFC, Work Location (2008) Golden Ring Barrack
(410) 866-3867, 8114 Philadelphia Rd, Rosedale, MD 21237-2849?
i don't agree with the way the officer acted, but he was probably rather 'pumped' up just as the rider was. should have showed his badge FIRST rather than the gun IMO but what concerns me is the aftermath.

i've actually just emailed my local police to find out if i can legally tape a ride knowing what's happened. i could get pulled over, but if i'm not TRYING to tape a pullover than is there a crime?

give the rider a ticket, give him restitution for the bs jail time and call it a day.
Well, if he's married, then I'm guessing his wife pulled the plug on the bike after seeing how he was riding. Can't do the 'no honey, I dont ride like all thoes other sportbike crazies. I ride nice and safe, don't worry!".

Ops. Cat's out of the bag now.
To me, it feels a little dressed up. He could be saying that like how people they "they're emotionally distressed" after a minor thing happened just so they will feel more innocent.

Truly I believe he's going to get another one soon but not do anything stupid like this again.
so what should I walk around with a camera strapped to my head just in case I see something?

I think the cop was wrong, but so was the guy. I am glad however that we can video tape traffic stops. But I wonder the other side of the coin. If I get pulled over can I ask that the officer turn off the video camera on his dash?
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Not sure what this has to do with trading freedom for security. The off duty cop didn't do anything wrong either. He was legally within his rights there and it's obvious he called and was in contact with the uniformed officer that was behind him.

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