Thinking bout it...

I'm sure the fz6r has more power than I'll ever need. But man... the R6 styling is just sweet.

Can u justify/afford having both? One to get your adrenaline buzz, one for practicality. I would like a retro cruiser/bobber for around town and a FJR for touring, but the FZ6R for commuting and buzzing around the hills. But, have to wait until the kids are grown up.
Thought about it too.. Keep the FZ6R and pick up a R6 for the track... or adrenaline weekends.

However, took all my energy and convincing the wife just to get the 6R, short of selling my 5.0.. I'll have to wait on the R6.

My wife says "You have too many toys"

Three cars and a bike... I gotta agree with her.
Just saw same color and all for sale in our local Craigs list...I do like the color..different......just too low ( the bars) for me though.

I want punch too...but I want to be on my couch as well! LOL
... 2) It doesn't feel stable in the corners. I can achieve better stability if I lean forward when entering a turn. weird...

Actually if you take a sport riding course or read up on this style of riding, to lean slightly forward and have your body off center slightly is the suggested course. It changes the center of gravity of the bike, allowing greater speeds and stability. I'm not talking a full knee dragging racing lean but something in between that and full upright.
knee dragging is the best, i think I might have popped wood the first time I drug mine. Was last summer, so I don't really remember. I do know I had a HUGE grin on my face though. After first touchdown I was doing it all the time, but I was running 10 seconds faster as well, so the lean angles definitely got higher.
Kind of like this.


Show off!! :p

What size helmet do you wear? If you keep getting your picture taken, you may need to step the helmet up a few sizes! :Flip:
Jonkerr thats a wicked picture!!! You get a buddy to stand there snapping?

you sound like the man to your bike stock and how do you lean into a corner like that. I'm trying but the bike seems to react funny so i think its my body positioning...give me some tips:D
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Thanks for the tips...i just went out and practiced on a real twisty road and just by shifting weight and looking where i wanted to go I was able to keep the bike through the corner feeling stable and not twitchy...

It was when I stopped and looked at the rear tire and saw that I was about 1/2 inch from the edge:p...thats a big lean improvement for me!!!

I'm going to get them books you mentioned for sure. I need something other than Peter Schiffs "CrashProof 2.0" and "The Little book of Bull moves in Bear markets" to keep me busy reading...;)

Sorry Dude. You need a vacation out here to see what real twisties are like.

Too true! Work is killing me and the bathroom remodel is just shoveling more dirt on my already rotting corpse. :eek:
