thing you hate the most on the road


New Member
so i just want to ask what is the #1 thing you hate the most that drivers do when your out and about on the road other than almost hitting or hitting you

the thing i hate the most is people not using their blinkers
I used to visit California occasionally and noticed right away that nobody used their blinkers when changing lanes. Then I realized why..... 'cause when I used my blinkers, the guy in the lane I was going to that was behind me, as soon as he saw my blinkers, he would always speed up right away and close the gap or pass me so that I would never be able to change into that lane. I saw that happen also when I occasionally would see another car that would signal lane change. I finally figured that the drivers are conditioned just to jump to the lane without a signal so that they would be able to move over at all.... if they signaled, the other cars would immediately close ranks and prevent them from doing it. Not that its right, that's the way it is down there.
lack of indication and erratic foreign drivers (mainly Spaniards!)
when I go to Spain its the same problem with indication, and people who drive along the motorways up to slower hazards and change lane with no indication and at the last minute (normally because they are going too fast!)
I used to visit California occasionally and noticed right away that nobody used their blinkers when changing lanes. Then I realized why..... 'cause when I used my blinkers, the guy in the lane I was going to that was behind me, as soon as he saw my blinkers, he would always speed up right away and close the gap or pass me so that I would never be able to change into that lane. I saw that happen also when I occasionally would see another car that would signal lane change. I finally figured that the drivers are conditioned just to jump to the lane without a signal so that they would be able to move over at all.... if they signaled, the other cars would immediately close ranks and prevent them from doing it. Not that its right, that's the way it is down there.

:confused: Was born and raised in California and have seen that maybeee 4 times and has happened to me only once. You didn't happen to be in LA? Because those are one of the most aggressive drivers who act ridiculously dumb ive had to deal with. Yea and the blinker thing here pisses me the hell off. Whats worst is that the cops do the same sh!t and dont give anybody a ticket then fail to use there blinker.
CRAP PISSES ME OFF specially when the slam on there brakes and make a turn without notice causeing me to slam on my brakes to avoid destroying the back of there cars :rant:
Ya I used to live in LA - all hell breaks loose every day trafficwise - basically every man for himself. Don't see it here in San Diego yet but as the city has grown so has the number of ^$$holes.

I hate when I see cagers in my mirrors who are texting. I'm pretty good at watching for people turning left in front of me but I don't like the feeling of having some twit behind me not paying attention if I have to brake suddenly.
cagers who have to slow down to look at anything that is out of the ordinary, I call it morbid curiosity. also slam on their brakes on the freeway for no reason
I hate the fact that a LOT of people fool around with their phones( dialing, web surfing, texting) while driving. I always try to get a look at the person behind me and to the side of me when stopped at a traffic light. If they are looking down, I try to stay get away from them as soon as possible.
Also, being an old fart and a motorcycle rider, I am not too keen on the fact that it seems that all the auto makers are in a competition to cram as many distractions (touch screens and the like) into the cars. I feel that I could easly be taken out by some SOB looking down at his dashboard screen.
as soon as he saw my blinkers, he would always speed up right away and close the gap

I think this is a "City" (pronounced "sh!tty") thing, because we see it a lot here in the Seattle area too.

I still always use my signal. The only difference is now my signal is a warning to drivers that I am changing lanes NOW! It works pretty well when I drive my old beat-up lifted "penis-replacement" pickup, but not so well in the BMW or my wifes Mini.
What actually bothers me more that the whole blinker thing is when I'm pulling trailer or driving the motorhome and people pull out right in front of me at a much slower speed or they jam on their brakes. Some people just don't get it, unless they REALLY want 20,000 pounds of steel up their arse!!!!

I think everyone shouldn't get a license until they can successfully trailer a heavy load and ride a motorcycle through city traffic.
Non-blinkers are already covered. So the next one for me is to see a driver pulling in front of me in a hurry from the STOP sign and then to slow down to 5 mph below speed limit. And it's not like he/she had to squeeze in the only available spot - there are nobody behind me for a mile.
Also noticed it happens a lot more when I'm on motorcycle than in my SUV... wonder why?
I think this is a "City" (pronounced "sh!tty") thing, because we see it a lot here in the Seattle area too.

I still always use my signal. The only difference is now my signal is a warning to drivers that I am changing lanes NOW! It works pretty well when I drive my old beat-up lifted "penis-replacement" pickup, but not so well in the BMW or my wifes Mini.

WTF is a signal???? I only see those like once in a blue moon..... hell I saw a cop change lanes 8 times during my drive back from physical therapy and he didn't use his turn signal once!

What actually bothers me more that the whole blinker thing is when I'm pulling trailer or driving the motorhome and people pull out right in front of me at a much slower speed or they jam on their brakes. Some people just don't get it, unless they REALLY want 20,000 pounds of steel up their arse!!!!

I think everyone shouldn't get a license until they can successfully trailer a heavy load and ride a motorcycle through city traffic.

I think you are on to something, I think every driver education class should require that they get in a truck with a nice size loaded trailer on it and then try to stop it fast.... lmao, I'd like to see the carnage that happens and the OOOOOOOHHHHHH shyt faces that you would see on them... lmao, might wake a few of them up for later on in life.

My biggest annoyance diwn here in florida is the damn snow vbirds taht do 10mph under the speed limit every damn place they go!!! USE THE DAMN GAS!!! and if you are afraid to go the speed limit, stop driving all together or at least get in the right friken lane!!!! can you guys guess what my drives have been like today????

Holy hell guys, I was stuck behind an old lady that couldn't even drive faster than the massive trailer dump truck next to us that was carrying a full load and had all set of wheels down to carry the load.... Are you kidding me, you couldn't get past a truck that takes 5 minutes just to get to 60mph

Even with flashing my high beams and honking the horn at her she still wouldn't get the hell out of the left lane. GET THE FASDFGHSFHSGDH off the damn ASDFGSGWEH road already....

I'm so over Florida's Snow bird season! Once I finish my new degree that I'm working on I'm getting the hell away from this area and going to a place I don't have to worry about that kind of crap anymore. My normally 15-20 minute drive took me over 35 minutes today because of these slow idiots that also love to sit at the damn stop lights after they are green for 30 seconds....

I'm really not a bitter man...........
This gets it pretty bang on.

[ame=""]No Signal (Shoot em up) - YouTube[/ame]

Both the signal and the rubbish throwing, had a twat throw a fag butt out the window once, it hit my helmet and showered me with glowing embers.

What a Caring, Understanding; Nineties Type.

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