The worst weekend ever........


New Member
So this entire ordeal happened last night (12/1/12). For those who know Dallas, we actually shut down 635 for a good 20-30 min or so, all 4 lanes. So this is how it went down, i(fz6r) was riding behind my gf(vstar 650 classic) in the left lane on 635 right after Preston where there is construction going on. There are cement barricades on both side of the rode and no shoulder and just to make things easier on the explaination of the accident i am going to lable the left lane lane 1 and the right lane 4. This saturn is in lane 2 and to the best of my knowledge gets cut off and begins fish-tailing. He then runs into lane 1 and in to the barricade then cuts across all 4 lanes and into lane 4 and into that barricade. My gf sees the fishtail going on and slows down as best as she can, she has only been riding since April same as me but she only just passed 1k miles on her bike. Well on the way to lane 4 the saturn clips her front tire and she low side it in to lane 2. My heart stopped right then and there. I move to lane 2 and stop traffice and luckily all the traffic behind me stops. I just off and run towards her and she is on her back, she can speak so that was a good sign. I tell her not to move and the guy in the saturn comes over and looks at her and me, i ask him if he called the cops yet and he replies no. I have no clue what was going through his mind as he looks her on the ground but he just stood there for a few min not doing anything but staring. So i call the cops and the people behind us that got out of there cars call the cops and so they are on there way. I go and pick up her bike to move it so that the traffic could start going to the cops can actually make it to us and it has some scrapes on it but the worst was the front fender was bent down so it was rubbing on the tire. One of the guys help me bend it so it can roll so i can move it to try to clear a lane. The saturn guy though doesn't want to move his car. Some thing about it being illegal to move a car from and accident. All i am thinking right now is how is the ambulance going to get there, he is in lane 3 and 4 while she is in 2 very close to lane 1. I finally convince him to move his car to lane 1 to get traffic going and about a min after that the ambulance comes they put her on the stretcher and we have people praying in the road for her. They tell me i have to move the motorcycles, i am like shit i am only 1 person and i have to move 2 bikes off the highway.

Well they say move one bike to the shopping center on the service road and then come through the construction and hope the barrier and then move the other bike. I am like ok, cop tells you to do something reasonable im gonna do it. So this is the stupid part on my behalf, i hop on my bike first and move it to the shopping center, i go through the roads and make it to the center and was like letting my mind get the best of me since my gf just got taken away, when i hit the curb on my bike and flip it over. Weird part was it wasn't on its side it was literally on its top, both wheels in the air and all. Well fuck me. I push it over to get it back up right and park it and run to move her bike. I stall 4 times trying to get her bike to the same shopping center as mine but make it there eventually. Then i look at my bike so see what i did being the dumbass that i am. My power crystal is broken, front plastics all jacked up, my kill switch is gone and my controls are all rotated. Lucky i have the tool set that came with the bike and move the controls back and un-pinch the brake line. My mirror is broken and my peg under the shifter is broken. Well i get on and make my way to the hospital, (side note: them paramedic and another officer both told me medical city hospital, both at 2 different times) so i head to medical city and she is not there. Her dad and sister are already there and we are confused. The people at the desk are trying to find out where she went so we were like lets try calling her, if she is awake she might answer. So come to find out she is at parkland a good 15-20 min away. So i am on my bike again on my way to parkland, i never knew how important that little peg under the shifter was until it was gone. Finally make it to parkland and she is ok :ATGATT. So that was my night, oh and a cherry on my cake, one of my dogs got out and when to town on some vanilla candles and various other things in the house.

Sorry for the long post
Pics to come later

update(1): I think with what it looks like on here it mostly just plastics that need replacing, my main concern with ridablilty is getting some new mirrors and new pegs, everything else seems that i can take it apart and put them back into place. Thanks for your words of encouragement. One of the 3 adjusters came out today to look at her gear and we cut us a check right then and there. So now we have the ball rolling.
Uploaded pic of my bike


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Wow! Sounds like it could have been a lot worse. Glad you're both intact.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

no kidding, you guys are good as long as you both are okay. The bikes, well the first was pretty much going to happen, really sucks that the second incident happened though. But then again the cop was a douche for asking you to move the bikes like that. You should have just sat down for 15 minutes and called family and talked for a bit but that's the whole hindsight thing....

The cop should have known better in that situation.
Sorry about the double down. Glad to hear the injuries were all inorganic. As already mentioned... multiple times... those are fixable.
Let us know how you're making out with the repairs...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Wow, that had to be terrifying to see your gf knocked down like that. I'm glad you guys are alright. Let us know how things turn out. Best of luck.
That is quite the story, I'm glad you guys are both okay. Best of luck getting everything fixed and getting life back to normal.
Fark! Freeway pandemonium!

Thanks be to the moto overlords that your both ok!
Bikes can be reborn unlike us mortals
