T-Rex frameslider help


Elite Member
Hopefully they've improved them since I got mine in February, but I had to mount the bracket at the 4 o'clock psoition to make it fit. Even there, the fairing edge rubs on the slider. The bigger issue is that I had to add spacers to the mounting bolt to create clearance between the bracket and the engine cover.

Of course, it's possible that they sent you the wrong part.

If you're not sure, you might post a pic so we could see it.
Mine didn't have that problem, must have been a bracket that got through that wasn't up to standards.
Figured out the problem,the left bracket which is offset to clear the engine cover is about an 1/8 inch too thick causing it to hit fairing cut it down and it fits perfect,only frustrating thing is i called t-rex to let them know so they could make the adjustment so other people wouldnt have this problem,they just kept saying i must be installing the bracket improperly so they probably wont fix this problem until more people complain about this issue......

I had the exact same deal with mine on the left side. I cut it down and told them and again the same story as you. Oh well,they look great anyway! :banghead:
just got mine in the mail today. Is it possible for some one to post pictures of a how to? Or maybe a detailed out line of how to? I understand the whole removing of the fairing and that is no issue. But I am sorta confused at the different bolts with different parts. I don't fully understand their directions. Any help is great.
just got mine in the mail today. Is it possible for some one to post pictures of a how to? Or maybe a detailed out line of how to? I understand the whole removing of the fairing and that is no issue. But I am sorta confused at the different bolts with different parts. I don't fully understand their directions. Any help is great.

I think you need a how to of how to use the forums first. :D

:justkidding: but not really.

There's a How-To section on the forums.
I thought that was what this thread was about.:D. But the right side (throttle side) done, but it is right up against the fairing, this is right? Now my question is on the left side (clutch side). I got the fairing off no biggie there but is the long bolt to replace the engine bolt?
