Starter not aligned?


New Member
I had a small spill last night....nothing too major but I accidentally did a burnout at less then 10 mph and went down hard on the left side of the bike, everything seem fine expect a broken mirror and bent shift lever. Got home look over the bike again straighten out the lever and went to start the bike back up and notice the starter makes a very high pitch whine when it engages.

Is it possible I somehow whacked the starter out of of place and how would go about aligning it back up? Later on this afternoon I am removing the left side engine case and see if anything can be done. I need the bike running where as this is my only means of transportation. Thanks.
Well I am not sure what happen, I took off the cover and everything looked fine and placed the cover back on and the starter sounds normal now.

That whine sound could be gears slightly touching at startup -as in teeth grinding at speed!

Get a local bike mech to have a proper look, if your gear lever was bent it may have shocked the internal gearing too.

Hope it works out to be something simple to correct
