So I found this group...


New Member
So I found a motorcycle group in my area thinking I might do some rides with them, but after seeing the convos and videos, I don't think I ever will. Most of them are the epitome of squid-dom and if you're going to get angry looking, best just not look. I can already see theres no point in even talking to these guys. SO I thought some of you might want a good laugh or two out of the group, it surprises me how stupid people are. :zombie:

Oh sorry, if you don't have fcbk as I know many fz6r members don't...

Disclaimer: I'm not bashing on every single member of the group, but from what I've seen most of them are one and the same. Unless many, like I, just see no point in talking to them or riding with them. Some of these guys need a beating, a ticket, and to get on the track without the antics :rant:

-end rant-

Oh if anybody wants examples since they don't have fcbk I'll post it up for them.
Riding on the sidewalk? WTF.
I met 2 members of this crew up @ Bear Mtn....

I'm not saying I know enough to make a call on the whole group, but these are my observations:

1.) When I met them up @ Bear Mtn. about a month ago, the two dudes I did meet (whos names evade me at the moment) were pretty damn chill. Full gear, and they gave me the rundown on the area, and even invited me to ride with. 1 was on a zx-1000, the other on a shiny new BMW RR. Told me to go on their website and join up, but I never did as the website was down at the time... I believe the guy who was on the Kawa was the dude who runs the group.

2.) That video you posted is just plain ridiculous, and I totally don't condone that kinda behavior.
If he saw a robbery in progress and used the sidewalk to get there and stop a violent mugging then he is a hero.
If he was riding on the sidewalk and got kicked by the perp and after beating the perp He found out he had robbed someone, the biker is a squid and deserves to get a ticket at least. Vet or not...jeeeezzzz....

I've had to be a hardass in NYC before to protect a friend but riding on the sidewalk. WTF?
On a side note-- Sparxx man, if you wanna ride with some normal people I got a few fellow riders out here in North NJ who don't ride on sidewalks! Mixed crew, mostly friends/acquaintances from HS. Good level headed people.:thumbup: Hit me up bud!
On a side note-- Sparxx man, if you wanna ride with some normal people I got a few fellow riders out here in North NJ who don't ride on sidewalks! Mixed crew, mostly friends/acquaintances from HS. Good level headed people.:thumbup: Hit me up bud!

I know all the riders in that group can't be the same, but most of the people who post on the fcbk group have just made me want to stay away. I'm down for bear mountain or anything. I just don't condone or want to take part of squid behavior. I also don't want to meet up with a group only to find out most of them only want to race around like a bunch of idiots. Racing down the GCP doesn't take any skill either T.T most of it is straight with little or no curves. It's just plain stupid.

I'm glad you've met other people from the group to convince me otherwise. Because other then a few people I've met from the r6 forums all I see is squids down here. But I guess all the safe level headed riders have to stick together! I'm really busy for the next 3 weeks but if there is any good weather after that and you're thinking of going on a ride. Let me know I'll pm you my number.

Oh and I posted the video because now I realize why some people hate riders so much. People like that give us such a bad name. Why does a few bad apples have to ruin it for the rest of us apples. lol
People like that give us such a bad name. Why does a few bad apples have to ruin it for the rest of us apples. lol

They had a group of official peacekeepers at the Occupy LA to keep the troublemakers from causing everyone to be branded as causing trouble just prior to the eviction and Attorney observers too in case of abuse on either side. They actively sought out anyone that might have intentions of doing anything violent and either told them to leave or exposed them to the Police as outside agitators. It's a pity that a few can cause so much damage to the many in ANY group.....
