Semi Trucks and Wind


Ok so I got her out on the e-way for the first time today! Pretty exciting for me. Havn't gone that fast yet, had it up to 95 and then I cam up behind a semi-truck. OMG, I thought I was gonna lose it! So of course I slowed down, but I was too scurred to actually pass him. How do ya'll deal with all the crazy wind that comes from the big trucks on the freeway?
Hasn't been an issue for me in over 3000 highway miles. But I feel more stable going faster than I do going slower.
Ok so I got her out on the e-way for the first time today! Pretty exciting for me. Havn't gone that fast yet, had it up to 95 and then I cam up behind a semi-truck. OMG, I thought I was gonna lose it! So of course I slowed down, but I was too scurred to actually pass him. How do ya'll deal with all the crazy wind that comes from the big trucks on the freeway?

pass ASAP. soon as its safe...gas it and get BY THAT BIG SEMI. That is taught in the MSF course. However, i havent actually been shook around by the big trucks on the road on this bike....
pass ASAP. soon as its safe...gas it and get BY THAT BIG SEMI. That is taught in the MSF course. However, i havent actually been shook around by the big trucks on the road on this bike....

It was totally safe to pass him, but i really was being pushed left to right in my lane. My exit was only a mile up the road so I just hung back. It was kinda scary. Why pass them ASAP?
nothing you can really do other than pass him....that wind will throw you around like crazy
Why pass them ASAP?

The reason for passing quickly is that we are tiny compared to the semi and very difficult for the driver to see in a quick glance in their mirror. Also, the clean air is much safer to ride in. All that turbulence is unpredictable and if severe enough, in combination with a poor road surface, could actually increase harmonic resonance in the bike leading to a tank slapper. This nearly happened to me. The turbulent wind behind the semi and the crappy interstate really made the bike wobble beyond just blowing me around. I backed off and waited for the chance to pass and then I flew by safely. Also, you don't want to be riding close to a semi when they blow a tire. The shrapnel could be deadly.
Believe it or not, Simi trucks aren't the ones that disturb the air the most. IMO at least. H2's, minivans, and small SUV's seem to cause more of a vortex behind them.

That's what I've found too. Certain SUV/minivans have some crazy wind coming off them.
What you also need to be watch for is when your riding with a cross wind and you pass a big rig. As your passing the truck and the wind is blocked, as you get the the front of the truck, be ready for the sudden gust of wind that's gonna hit you.
I don't really notice the wind from any vehicle, only if there's strong wind and gusts in the air from the weather.

I have to say that I do agree that I feel more comfortable riding faster than slower near semi's. Semi's block your view so you can speed past them with more comfort without searching for cops or the like and even if you get pulled over I like to think of it as that semi is about 8 or 9 times bigger than me and has a big blind spot.
Also, you don't want to be riding close to a semi when they blow a tire. The shrapnel could be deadly.

True dat! And you can't see whats in front of you either. That big rig might run right over some road debri that you won't see coming and could put you down. Trucks = danger, get away from it.

Here's my quick chime in. I'm an Air Traffic Controller so that's where this is coming from. The wind your feeling coming from the back of larger vehicles is the same thing that comes off the back of an aircraft. In effect turbulence. And turbulence comes from the back and goes down and out in a circular fashion (think vortex/tornado). The reason you feel it a lot around a semi with a trailer is that both the semi and the trailer are creating turbulence. Turbulence is such a signifigant threat to aircraft we have built in seperation rules both horizontally and vertically for ALL aircraft. So now imagine little ol' us experiencing the same thing. My 2 cents. Hope it was relative.
