

New Member

I'm just about to fit a Scottoiler to my new XJ6 and wondered where you folks fit your RMV's? I did see one installation at the dealers but they had fitted it horizontally just behind the seat lock plate, which I didn't think was the best place as it's supposed to be fitted as near vertically as possible? :confused:

My only thought so far was to fit it behind the black panel on the left hand side just behind your thigh but there's a frame tube behind that and access for filling and adjusting would be a bit difficult.

Other than that... first impression (considering I didn't test ride it before collecting the bike) it's great :D Just need to get it run in... now 450 miles to go to the first service after 2 days.

Mine's almost horizontal under the seat, right at the back, almost under the handles (?) that the passenger grips.... It's a very neat job, done by the guys I bought it from, but as you say, it should be near upright and this isn't, which means it's very slow, even when fully open...
Thanks for the info guys, I'll do my best to not mess up the installation... this is going to be a busy weekend: Heated grips, Scottoiler, power relay and distribution bus to fit in whatever breaks I get in the weather :) Sometimes I really wish I had a garage to do stuff like this in.

Fitting the heated grips to my CB500 last winter was fun; outside for 10-15 mins at a time then back indoors to thaw out ready for the next 10-15 mins... mind you it was early January and, I think, only about 5deg C if that!

Apologies to you FZ6R owners; I didn't know that Scottoiler didn't sell into the USA!

Are these more popular in the UK because of your more inherently damp/wet conditions? I don't see many people here use those...or, maybe I just haven't noticed them. It seems it would be a good idea if your riding in the rain a lot, like those up in Oregon and Washington, instead of having to oil your chain every day.
Can you push the bike into your house? A quick solution for non-fluid change work.

It's a bit tricky as I live in a fist floor apartment i.e. got stairs to negotiate. Although I have in the past removed bits and brought them indoors to work on e.g. my CB500 footpeg hangers that I reconditioned January this year and the fairing damage that I repaired with a soldering iron too! :D

Yes, the Scottoiler is developed and sold by a Scottish company, that should tell you all you need to know :) I hear stories of problems with them but like anything that is billed as fit and forget it never is and I never expect it to be. Just follow the manufacturers reccomendations and I find things usually (9/10) work. Hence why I asked where people have managed to fit their units. I collected my bike on Friday (29 Oct) the next day I went out for a ride with a friend in torrential showers and then over to see my folks and came back home the following evening, a total of about 150 miles then washed the bike down and lubed the chain before going in to get ready for the work week. I do a 36 mile commute on the bike and long hours every day so I really need an automatic chain lube solution or with the weather (rain, damp AND salty roads in winter) we get here the chain will be wrecked inside of 10-15K. :mad:

Can you push the bike into your house? A quick solution for non-fluid change work.

It's a bit tricky as I live in a fist floor apartment i.e. got stairs to negotiate. Although I have in the past removed bits and brought them indoors to work on e.g. my CB500 footpeg hangers that I reconditioned January this year and the fairing damage that I repaired with a soldering iron too! :D

Yes, the Scottoiler is developed and sold by a Scottish company, that should tell you all you need to know :) I hear stories of problems with them but like anything that is billed as fit and forget it never is and I never expect it to be. Just follow the manufacturers reccomendations and I find things usually (9/10) work. Hence why I asked where people have managed to fit their units. I collected my bike on Friday (29 Oct) the next day I went out for a ride with a friend in torrential showers and then over to see my folks and came back home the following evening, a total of about 150 miles then washed the bike down and lubed the chain before going in to get ready for the work week. I do a 36 mile commute on the bike and long hours every day so I really need an automatic chain lube solution or with the weather (rain, damp AND salty roads in winter) we get here the chain will be wrecked inside of 10-15K. :mad:

Yeah, makes total sense.
