Rules of Engagement

I pull up and have been pulled up on by other riders...most will change lanes if they want to pass. Now with people I do know...things are different, but were use to riding with each other and do ride next to each other. We also ride past each other in the same lane and what not, but only if you feel comfortable, if at any time you speed up or slow down upon some one coming up, they immediately stop AND we do not do it through traffic. Things are different with people you do not know...and if an unknown rider ever takes the lead while being in the same lane, then I let them take the friends and I switch leaders all the time and in the same lane but that's just a friends messing around...once again...we DON'T do it while others (cagers or unknown riders( are around..only one person did STUPID things while I was unknown rider did a stoppie right NEXT to me, I just slowed down, switched lanes and let him be
There are lots of fun, twisty back roads around San Diego but there's one in particular (JonKerr, you probably have been on it - Campo Rd.) that, if you're going to ride it on ANY weekend, expect the unexpected. It's a two-lane, one going each direction. There is a group of super-bike-hot-dogger-riders who treat this road as their own race track. Every time I've been riding this road, these guys seem to come out of nowhere & blow by you as if you're standing still. For a noob, this is a bit unnerving; and, no, they don't wait for a wave...they don't wait for anything...even oncoming cars. They will ride on the middle, solid yellow line, whether cars are coming or, basically, they're riding between you & the oncoming lane...on the twisties scraping pegs and on the straights. Some of them even have passengers. I would estimate they are doing at least 80 when most of the twisties are 45. You don't even see them coming and I'm constantly checking my mirrors. One minute, you're cruising through a curve & the next second, these idiots are passing you by mere inches. At the end of the road, they all stop to congratulate each other on how fast they took the road. I'm just thinking, they really don't care about others on the road at all, let alone themselves or their passengers.
I pull up and have been pulled up on by other riders...most will change lanes if they want to pass. Now with people I do know...things are different, but were use to riding with each other and do ride next to each other. We also ride past each other in the same lane and what not, but only if you feel comfortable, if at any time you speed up or slow down upon some one coming up, they immediately stop AND we do not do it through traffic. Things are different with people you do not know...and if an unknown rider ever takes the lead while being in the same lane, then I let them take the friends and I switch leaders all the time and in the same lane but that's just a friends messing around...once again...we DON'T do it while others (cagers or unknown riders( are around..only one person did STUPID things while I was unknown rider did a stoppie right NEXT to me, I just slowed down, switched lanes and let him be

I'd avoid riding next to each other because you just cut your room to maneuver in half.
hmm...pulling threads from the grave...sometimes it good to dig :)

btw, Zig was correct, I was just asking if people pulled up on strangers. I havent been waived up yet :(. I guess my ride or clothes arent interesting enough yet...
It was my second day riding ever and I'm stopped at a light in the left of my lane and some R1 does a stoppie right next me. Then he just flipped up his visor and started chatting. It was a rather unnerving experience then but when riding with a friend we always sit next to eachother and chat at lights then the person who stopped first leaves first. As for strangers I stop staggered and wait for a wave up.
I stay away from Campo road. Been there a couple of times. Also stay away from Palomar mountain. Would be the best ride in town if it weren't for the kneedraggers who get pissed at anyone not going their pace and the dumbasses in cars who think they're an F1 car. Also Ortega Highway is one I haven't ridden but been told to stay away from for the same reasons.

I don't have a problem with guys who are capable of riding a fast pace around the twisties doing it as long as they're smart about i. But the guys like you're describing (who I've seen out there) are just morons. They're the ones you hear about splattered against the rock walls and down the canyons. And unfortunately a lot of times they take an innocent person with them. Guys like that are the ones who give sportbikers a bad name.

Palomar mountain is no joke. Unless you're with a group of people riding up that mountain then you're gonna piss off the knee draggers for sure. I remember the first time i rode up i was by myself and a cruiser pulled aside for me. I thought it was cool until some guy came flying down in full leathers ass all the way off the bike. That's when I knew that the weekends are pretty much off limits for me. Way too many people hauling ass for me to get caught up with.
Hey Jon,

I saw that big loop you posted a while ago. you have any other good routes with some twisties. Up in northcounty you just don't find as many...or maybe i just don't know where to look.
