RPM how high is too high


New Member
I have been running lots of highways and coming from a v twin when 5000 is redline just woundering where everone stands on whats a good RPM to run steady on the highway
It's a sport bike. Any RPM below Redline is fine.

Unless you want to get good gas mileage then keep it low. Or if you're sick of the screaming in your ears.
Well, the gearing on the FZ6R is quite low, so for any steady highway cruising you'll definitely want to be in sixth, for less buzziness and better fuel economy.
Aside from mountain rides, a lot of my riding is on 60 mile rides at 80+ mph. My average RPM on those rides is about 7,200 rpm, and I get around 160 mpg.
(MPT, oops!)
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When the tach needle goes all the way back around to 0... :cool:
