Remembering rides of the past


New Member
Mods, I apologize if this is in the wrong section;

I was looking at some of the Bonnevilles, and the new Retro Honda this morning and I got to thinking about my first bike, and all the adventures I had on it over a 6 year time period

On the showroom of the little Yamaha shop in downtown Jacksonville, NC where I was stationed, was the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever seen.
A two toned blue and chromed out xv700 Virago. It would become my first bike.

2 weeks before, a Marine buddy let me take a spinon his little GS 550 Suzuki, and I was forever changed. And when I went into that Yamaha shop, I knew I couldn't leave without that beautiful, and what seemed big to me at the time, Virago

On the weekends, I rode that bike everywhere. Gas was cheap, and with a 20 dollar bill, I toured North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and even rode it back and forth to Kentucky on many vacations.
The speed limit on the highway was 55mph, and Mt Airy North Carolina was the halfway point for the 567 mile trip.

The little 700 was cleaned and polished all most daily, and together we rode through many rains, and busy highways, and , many miles of country back roads.
Loaded down with a fresh change of clothes, a tent and sleeping bag, I could travel cheap.
I remember meeting a lot of good people who fed me at campgrounds,( obviously feeling sorry for me, lol).
One time, on the way to Myrtle Beach, I miscalculated the weather. A great down pour erupted, and the stinging rain forced me to seek shelter in a closed down and abandoned filling station.
The old canopy that sheltered the pumps that were rusting away offered little protection from the sideways rain.
A middle aged couple, pulled over, and took me to their home, giving me food and shelter for the night. Good thing too, the storm set in for the night.

Once, while touring historic battlefields in Tennessee, I camped beside the road in the tree line. When I woke up the next morning it had apparently rained that night forcing other " bikers" to take shelter. I was in for a surprise!
Blocking my way to the road was the North Carolina Chapter of the Pagans MC.
I was pretty concerned for my safety, and my rice burner, but I made coffee, and approached them, and they treated me well, although they said one day I should get an American bike. I refrained from comment about the 39mm forks on their American bikes.
After 6 years of riding my first bike, it came time to get out of the service, so I sold my Virago, with 22,000 miles on the clock.
I could go on and on with the stories, but it would take too much time.

But back then, I didn't have all the fancy riding gear we have now. A field jacket and long johns for cold weather, and a $2 rain suit from KMart sufficed.
A Bell helmet, and pair of old leather gloves was all that was required.

You didn't pick the bike because of HP or speed, or style, you picked it because it stirred you, and you made it do what you wanted to do. You couldn't stop looking at it, and couldn't wait to get back on it, even with as sore butt.

Am I going crazy here, or can anyone else relate?
Probably shouldn't comment here but -- I grew up living, breathing motorcycle, I went to sleep thinking about motorcycles and awoke from dreaming about them. :D I would say while riding a 2 stroke bike that if they ever came out with a 4 stroke that could rev like a 2 stoke I would be sold, frigging Kawasaki did end of story -- in line 4 cylinder 4 stroke that flew.
So I can relate. ;)
Did I say I love motorcycles? :D
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From the age of 10 I used to go out on the back of my dad when he went out with my uncles(normally 5-6 to a group) I loved every second of it and I did it till I was 17 and I got my car license(also a bit big to be seen on the back and being of that age it wasn't "cool")

Almost Every Sunday for 7 years. The only times we didn't go out we're snow and Ice(for obvious reasons). It was great

We'll on the 3rd of October I passed my test(now aged 25) and for the past 2 Sundays I've been back out with them but this time on my own xj6 and I can see the pride in my dad's eyes whenever we stop.

It's crazy to think that for the past 8 years I've been away from bikes(having cars and quads) but getting on a bike is more than riding when it brings back such great memories.

I remember when my uncle had a vfr800 in canary yellow and my dad had an old cx500 and we were out. For the return leg I went on the Vfr so as to pick the speed up slightly. I remember holding on for grim death not being able to see the clocks over his shoulder like I could on the cx. In my head we were flying along but at as it turned out we had stayed to the speed limits but it just felt quicker. He said that he'd purposely held onto lower gears so it would seem like we were going quicker and it worked.

Memories and experiences that will last a lifetime that I can only hope I get to share with my kids when I have them.

At the minute the wife(married 14th September. Final part of bike test the day after the honeymoon) is starting to come out for short local rides and I think I'm converting her as she is starting to talk about going further afield.

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