
Sorry to hear it was stolen from you, but glad it was recovered. If you find out who it was that took it, let me know and I'll hold them down while you kick the $hit out of them. :D

Right on there B.B.... I'm with you:wav:

BTW,,Congrats on getting your baby back. Check everything over,,they may have put egg shells or sand in the gas tank.
that's great news! happy u got the bike back. now get her fixed up, and maybe invest in either brake caliper alarm or an electric fence? :)
Little more damage than originally thought. After seeing it it was dumped, right side fairing severely scratched almost thru plastic so scraped along pavement a good bit, brake pedal bent, turn signal broken. Took plastics off to see what would look like naked, sides not bad but front ugly naked. put back on and having auto body that does bikes also take it and hopefully help out with deductible ($1000 deductible).
If it were me I wouldn't waste my time trying to sue anybody. It will just stress you out more and you're probably not going to get jack shit. glad you have the bike back, I'd just move on and continue life. I'm restoring a stolen bike right now pretty much in similar condition, maybe less body damage with the frame sliders. But if ur gunna fix it yourself buy used parts, shouldn't break the bank for a new ignition switch and not sure if the triple tree is damaged but shouldnt be too hard to find. If you can find a used fairing that matches, you could probably get the bike sorted out for around 500$ or less..
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I was sad to read about your bike being stolen, even though you got it back. You were part of the reason I bought the Fizzer after reading your report on I'm glad you got it back. Even with damage it beats no bike at all. Best of luck man.

