Question for you guys.

If you need to spend the money to be happy, then by all means go for it. I just didn't detect that need and IMHO having extra money saved isn't a bad thing. :)

If there's a second bike that you're really in love with, buy it. If the $8000 in your current bike represents a good investment and would make it "perfect" in your eyes, that's fine too.

As an outsider, neither choice seemed more appealing from a value perspective than simply doing something else with the money later. Plus, god forbid something happen at the track, but I don't think most insurance policies will pay for a new bike in that case.

Or actually, what about trading up for a new 2011/2012 Daytona R? It's lighter, slightly more powerful, and has better suspension and brakes that you'll be able to feel on the track.

While I TRULY LOVE the R, I honestly just don't see the point in upgrading to a bike that's basically the same I have now, ecspecially since if I choose to upgrade the bike i'll be upgrading suspension to MUCH better then whats on the stock 675R.

You guys seem comfortable with your current bike for two up, so a second doesn't seem needed in my eyes. I'd suggest either upgrading the Daytona more, or upgrade to the Daytona R, or even put the money towards a track specific bike.

All kinds of gear is always an option ;)

Well I don't get to ride the track enough or I would definitely go for the track specific bike. As of right now she wants me to just put the money in my current bike, says she thinks i'll be happier doing that, and says she's perfectly fine riding the Daytona. It'll be a couple months before I do this, so i've got time to decide, so no push for time, and i'll let her make sure she's happy with that before I move.

As far as gear goes I already have a full Race setup and a full commute setup so no need for more of that (at the moment)
Buy one of these.......:D

Buy one of these.......:D


... And watch his insurance skyrocket lol.

Honestly if you have that much set aside I'd put some of it into the bike and tuck the rest of it towards retirement. I work in finance and can tell you to invest in an IRA sooner rather than later. Shoot I'm trying to retire ASAP so I'm tucking everything extra away lol.
... And watch his insurance skyrocket lol.

Honestly if you have that much set aside I'd put some of it into the bike and tuck the rest of it towards retirement. I work in finance and can tell you to invest in an IRA sooner rather than later. Shoot I'm trying to retire ASAP so I'm tucking everything extra away lol.

I'm a fan of the 1199, BUT way more bike then I want.

As far as retirement goes, i've had a 401k that I put 6% of my check into since I was 18. I ain't your average young kid :rolleyes:
I had a fat 401K, a business with property and a million dollar house...

Divorce took it all away....I'll die at my desk now...

Hmm, anyone know why since reinstall of tapatalk, it shows the html markup on my posts?

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You messed something up..... check to see if It's fully updated.

IDK, I'm still thinking if may e you get a bike that is more 2 up friendly your woman might enjoy it more than she does now and that's always a good thing at the end of the day and if you aren't as tired after a ride that means you will be able to handle her better as it is.... I'm just saying, lol.....

Its a rough choice. Maybe go BS a sales guy and and demo a ninja 1000 and see if you like it or not. It doesn't hurt to kick tires a little..... and if they want your info tell them no, I deal in cash.... take it or leave it. That normally gets them to play nice. When I bought my current bike I was able to talk the guy down more because I had cold hard cash in my hands. It really throws a sales man for a loop when you pull 10 k out of your pocket and slap it on the table and tell them that's the deal right there, if you don't come to my numbers I take my money and walk... and that's the end of the story.... lol. I remember that guys face so well, that was actually when I bought my WRX. LMAO, That guy almost shit himself. The manager was at the table not even a minute later, lol.

Money talks and bullshit walks, unless you know how to bullshit.
