power commander cost


New Member
I've been thinking about getting a power commander lately. I heard that a small suzuki dealer about 20 miles away from my town does dyno-tuning, so I rode over there yesterday to ask them. The guy at the counter quoted me a price of $500 for the power commander, installation and tuning. I was just wondering how much some of you have paid for all of it total.
That's about what I paid in Cal. (Where most places are quoting in $500 to $700 range). Cost for PC-V is $325 +/-. I'm on to the suspension now! Price is fair if he doesn't shortcut the process.
$500 is not bad for the unit, installation (which is pretty simple) and then the dyno tune..

Find out what the dyno tune alone costs and if its significantly cheaper than $200 buy the unit online and install it yourself..
I was thinking about buying it somewhere else and installing it myself, but they discount the dyno-tuning if you buy it from them and have them install it. I might be able to save a little bit by installing it myself, but I figure for a little bit more I would rather have a dealership do it. Plus this is a dealership in a fairly small town (3,500 people), so I'd also rather spend a little more money and help the owner out to make sure it's still there in a few years. The next closest dealer I could go to for dyno-tuning is about 60 miles.
I was thinking about buying it somewhere else and installing it myself, but they discount the dyno-tuning if you buy it from them and have them install it. I might be able to save a little bit by installing it myself, but I figure for a little bit more I would rather have a dealership do it. Plus this is a dealership in a fairly small town (3,500 people), so I'd also rather spend a little more money and help the owner out to make sure it's still there in a few years. The next closest dealer I could go to for dyno-tuning is about 60 miles.

You have good info on the module but the dyno tune I'm not sure everyone understands. The technician has to be well trained on the dyno and have the software to match. I watched for about a total of 2 hrs. as the tech adjusted, mapped, compared values, at over 5 different rpm points, starting at 1500 rpm. to 10G. Talk to the dyno people to explain what and how they do it, how often they have done it, etc. If you feel confident with their answers ask if they will stand by the set up and will recheck if necessary. Having a qualified tech actually set parameters for the module as read off the dyno is the best IMHO. Good luck. (How's that exhaust ?)
Power Commander

I paid $310 for the unit (version 5-6
Installation of K/N Air Filter and detailed dyno set up - tuning was another 190.
might be a stupid question but,
the only dealer around me that does dyno tuning isnt a yamaha dealer.
would they even do it to one, is the mapping principles the same across brands. or should i just continue to look for a yamaha dealer?

sorry for the hijack
might be a stupid question but,
the only dealer around me that does dyno tuning isnt a yamaha dealer.
would they even do it to one, is the mapping principles the same across brands. or should i just continue to look for a yamaha dealer?

sorry for the hijack

Dyno tuning is not dealer dependent. Those guys do all makes of bikes and can do yours. They adjust the ecu of the bike by reading values off of the rear tire. The equipment is set up (to the bike), specific to the make of the dyno and the software program.
Just don't ask the harley shop...they get a lil upset...lol

unfortunatly it is a harley shop, and honda. ill keep looking then.

Ouch...well if they are the only ones around it may not hurt to ask..i know that around here there are several dynos and when I asked harley they said "we don't touch foreign $**t"...literally.
