Please post about your mishaps here

2 weeks ago hit black ice heading to work, scraped up the right fairing, broke my turn signal and my brake lever. Only if it didnt brake my lever and i could have rode it to work still. Worse thing about this is in June on my old cbr600 so lady cut me off and destroyed my cbr so two accident in one year. Not my year
Ack that sucks. =(.

Maybe u can fix the 6r outta pocket to save on some insurance premiums going up... Sorry to hear this.
#1 - Not my fz6r, but my dads old 84 suzuki tempter. Coming out of a gas station near the Black Canyon (heck of a ride for anyone in CO). the whole lot is gravel so i was being extra careful parking the bike and getting up on it so it didnt slide out from under me. Turned it around and was getting ready to get back on the highway and three little kids run right in front of me. Natural reaction is to hit the break, so i did. Down i went, slid about 8 feet and landed on my leg. needless to say i had a little chat with the kids (i was actually nice about it!) and the parents about the kids staying the heck away from motorcycles. Damages included a hole in the exhaust and some minor scratches on the bike and myself.

#2 - not me, but my buddy. He bought his first bike after the MSF class and got a Harley Dyna, thing weighs over 650 lbs and is just gigantic, especially for a first time rider. pulling out of my subdivision we hit a stop sign, he automatically puts his feet down but doesnt realize the road is crowned, so his right leg needs to be down further. he can barely touch the ground on the bike as-is so down he goes! results: scratches to the mirror and some minor scuffs (that we buffed out) on the back fender. Lesson learned though, first time bike buy something smaller and easier to handle!
Dumped FZ6R

The one and only time my bike has ever gone down I wasn't actually on it. I trailered my FZ6R and my fiancées 1200 Sportster back to my house from Laconia. She had only had the bike 2 weeks and didn't feel comfortable riding it all the way up, so on the trailer they went. The good thing that came out of this is that she hasn't made me trailer the bikes anywhere else since.

Well I had to run out in my truck after I got back from Laconia before I could unload the bikes, so I left the trailer supported by jack stands. When I finally got home and went to unload, I didn't hook the trailer back up to my truck (HUGE MISTAKE) and when I went to roll the Yami off the back, the jack stand on the back fell out, and the whole trailer tipped, with the FZ6R still attached by one strap, and me standing next to it. It fell over off the side of the trailer, on its side. I was able to mostly catch it (man-handle it), and only scuffed the bar end, the mirrors, turn signal, and ended up with a nice scratch low on the fairing. Sucks but could be worse.


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friends first ride

I know this thread is supposed to be about our mishaps but this one feels like I could have prevented it. My friend had just bought a used Ninja 650r and got it inspected and road ready. I have been riding for four years at this point, but he had just started riding. We left the dealership where he got the inspection done an hour before.
We were on a back road coming home, me in the lead, and when we came around a blind turn literally at 20 mph, a pair of Goldwings came the opposite way in our lane!!!! I moved in quick and the first guy moved out but the second guy after moving out came back across the line straight at my friend. My friend dumped his bike to avoid a head on collision with the guy.
They turned around and came back and the first thing out of the assholes mouth was "hey man my bad". My friend saw me getting off my bike and yelled at them to just piss off and leave. My friend got away with a bruised and swollen ankle and he never stopped riding last summer after it happened.
I haven't run into the two guys on the Goldwings again yet, and I'm not sure what will happen if I do. I'm really not a violent person, but just the way he said 'my bad" got under my skin.
I have never had any mishap with my FZ6R, nor the wife’s Ninja, but back in the cruiser age I caught myself more than once admiring the bike, rather than paying attention to the road.

I had this gorgeous V Star Classic, with lots of chrome and two-tone, platinum + deep metallic red paint. One day I washed it, polished all the metal, waxed thrice until I could see my reflection in the paint and then went to a gas station. On my way I kept looking at that gorgeous, deep red tank and thought that I mustn’t drop gas on the tank so as not to mess up my wax job. I pulled in, completely forgot the side stand and just walked off the bike. I was really surprised when it fell and it took me some time to realize what happened.

It was a nice, sunny day, many other people filling up. Very embarrassing.
This is so embarrassing I hate to share it but I will for the sake of everyone who rides. I was riding to work one night in heavier than normal traffic. I knew there was a car in front of me but it was way ahead so I wasn't really paying any attention to them. Some how my attention got off the road and onto something stupid and when I looked at the road again the car that was moving in front of me was now at a dead stop. I tried to stop in time and probably could have but I was worried the guy who had been tailgating me wouldn't be able to stop as fast as me so I couldn't give it full break. Then to avoid becoming a human sandwich I took the shoulder and laid my FZ down in the grass :mad:. This was the best possible wreck I could have had because by the time I hit the shoulder I was moving less than 15mph. The only damage is a 1 inch x 1 inch spot of scratches on the side panel.

Over my year of riding which I have put over 8k miles on two different bikes I have compiled this list of rules based on my close calls, drops, lay downs and common sense. Maybe it will help some other people out.

Rule #1: Have nothing less than complete attention when on a bike.
Rule #2: Watch cagers close, their stupid.
Rule #3: Never trust gravel roads you don't know, you never know how deep it is.
Rule #4: Don't test your limits... their easy to cross when you do.
Rule #5: And as your parents used to tell you, if you're going to do it, wear protection. :p
SO! This isn't a real life mishap but some of you might have a good laugh from it.

Apparently I was riding into a shopping mall, and more specifically I was going to park the bike. As soon as I hit the brakes though I get into a lowslide and I felt this horrible guilt that I messed up my bike. As soon as the guilt hits, I wake up in BED (I was dreaming) in full riding position laying on my side.

:( I hope that never becomes a reality!
a friend of ours went down going too fast around a left, blind turn in ACH about 2 weeks ago... he's ok, but his bike (2009 ninja 250?) was totalled, and he severely tore up his knee tendon and is looking at months of rehab...

reflecting on what happened that day, i have to admit that his incident put me into serious shock as well. so much so, that later on when i was parking i choked and tipped over- something i haven't done in almost a year. not a big deal, in the grand scheme of things. but, i could remember feeling sick to my stomach after it happened- ie my heart was pumping non-stop, my mouth dry, started getting a headache, and i was just running on nervous adrenaline etc etc.

my day- and everyone else's for that matter- was basically over. somehow, i seemed more affected by it all than everyone else, who seemed back to normal very shortly after- ie joking around, laughing, and riding fast. i couldn't even get myself to ride fast at all after his accident. in fact, there were some points where i almost felt as though i forgot how to ride... <lol>

has anyone else felt like this, or is it just me? i know i tend to be overly sensitive about things. but, i guess i need to just get over it, get out there on roads i'm familiar with, and get the confidence back.

i went for a short ride with a friend yesterday, and for some reason i felt nervous to the point where i didn't even want to lean into the turns. it's so weird how psychological trauma/ stress can affect one's confidence. it wasn't even me that crashed, yet i can't help but feel so torn up from seeing our friend laid out on the ground and his mangled up bike...

anyhow. sorry for the long novel. just thought i'd share some thoughts on this and see if anyone else has had similar feelings.
a friend of ours went down going too fast around a left, blind turn in ACH about 2 weeks ago... he's ok, but his bike (2009 ninja 250?) was totalled, and he severely tore up his knee tendon and is looking at months of rehab...

reflecting on what happened that day, i have to admit that his incident put me into serious shock as well. so much so, that later on when i was parking i choked and tipped over- something i haven't done in almost a year. not a big deal, in the grand scheme of things. but, i could remember feeling sick to my stomach after it happened- ie my heart was pumping non-stop, my mouth dry, started getting a headache, and i was just running on nervous adrenaline etc etc.

my day- and everyone else's for that matter- was basically over. somehow, i seemed more affected by it all than everyone else, who seemed back to normal very shortly after- ie joking around, laughing, and riding fast. i couldn't even get myself to ride fast at all after his accident. in fact, there were some points where i almost felt as though i forgot how to ride... <lol>

has anyone else felt like this, or is it just me? i know i tend to be overly sensitive about things. but, i guess i need to just get over it, get out there on roads i'm familiar with, and get the confidence back.

i went for a short ride with a friend yesterday, and for some reason i felt nervous to the point where i didn't even want to lean into the turns. it's so weird how psychological trauma/ stress can affect one's confidence. it wasn't even me that crashed, yet i can't help but feel so torn up from seeing our friend laid out on the ground and his mangled up bike...

anyhow. sorry for the long novel. just thought i'd share some thoughts on this and see if anyone else has had similar feelings.

I still take it slow on one of the turns that my friend dumped his bike on near my house, but it usually has rock/gravel/sand scattered about no matter what even in small quantities, so I'll always baby that turn I bet.
I still take it slow on one of the turns that my friend dumped his bike on near my house, but it usually has rock/gravel/sand scattered about no matter what even in small quantities, so I'll always baby that turn I bet.
I have only dumped a bike once, in 1983. I was taking a sharp bend a little quick 5 days after I picked up my first sportbike and slid her into the ditch. That was before I learned proper form, which would have made the difference.

Anyway, last September I was riding in that same area and when I was approaching that turn, I got all nervous and took it real slow. That was almost 30 years ago and I didn't even get hurt, but it obviously freaked me out a little. I've always been a "get back on the horse..." kinda guy, but this was weird. What I realized afterwards was that I wasn't worried about getting hurt, I was worried I was going to mess up my new bike again.
^ hahahaha true true... :)

we don't want to crash, cuz we (a) don't want to mess up our bike and (b) don't want to get hurt. funny how sometimes the priority gets mixed up... hahahaha

but, yah. i think this weekend i'm going to forgo the group ride, and do my own thing- ie practice some roads i'm familiar with and spend some hours on the 2 wheels and try to get some confidence back.

love riding way to much to let something like this razzle my nerves too long. have to work through it- all the while being cautious not to get careless either.

One accident I responded to ( I am a Deputy) a guy was mad at his girlfriend , was riding like an ass , tried to take a corner at about 85 - 90 mph in a 35 mph zone drove off the road hit a ditch culvert bike flipped 7-8 times (estimated by impact zones and debris scattered for about 175 yards) Helmet saved his life , punctured lung broke 7 ribs , and one of his arms dont recall which one. They had to bring a helicopter in to bring him to the hospital. I have seen several bad accidents with motorcycles and mopeds ( i know mopeds dont really count) but it really makes me think when im riding. I can have just as much fun doing the speed limit and getting there safely as i can riding like an @$$ , besides ill leave my speeding to responding to calls in my charger.:D
One accident I responded to ( I am a Deputy) a guy was mad at his girlfriend , was riding like an ass , tried to take a corner at about 85 - 90 mph in a 35 mph zone drove off the road hit a ditch culvert bike flipped 7-8 times (estimated by impact zones and debris scattered for about 175 yards) Helmet saved his life , punctured lung broke 7 ribs , and one of his arms dont recall which one. They had to bring a helicopter in to bring him to the hospital. I have seen several bad accidents with motorcycles and mopeds ( i know mopeds dont really count) but it really makes me think when im riding. I can have just as much fun doing the speed limit and getting there safely as i can riding like an @$$ , besides ill leave my speeding to responding to calls in my charger.:D

I get angry quick so I know I have to watch out for situations like that. My friends ask me how I'm still sane and living with my parents(21 and in college), they make me go nuts and one time I did drive reckless while angry but never again. Ever time I'm getting in the car or on the motorcycle, I have an emotion check in my head. The one time I did drive angry, I almost got hit by a bus, but the real "hello, what the F@$& are you doing?" moment was when I tried turning into my driveway at 60 miles an hour. Nothing happen to me or the minivan, but I sat there for a good minute and I examined what I had just done. Don't be too hard to judge me though I had just come off some meds and made me go a little mad in the head :). Hmmm, maybe I'm not sane :p
1) Traveling down the 405 at 70~80mph. Van in front of me kicked up a tire at me. I dodged enough for the front tire to miss by a few mm. It hit the bike and broke the front air scoop left a nice black mark along the left faring. I pulled my leg mostly out of the way but it tapped my foot as it wend along the side. Knee hurt for a week.

2) Stopping for a light and hit oil and slid into the intersection. So not cool.

3) Splitting lanes on the freeway the car in front of me hit their brakes and decided to move to the left and straddle the line. I hit the brakes and swerved to the side of the car. The back tire slid out, due to reduced traction on paint, so I put my foot down to stabilize. I came off the bike bounced off the car back onto the bike the tire grabbed the asphalt and off I went. No damage to bike.

Also splitting lanes in stopped traffic on the freeway and came around a turn and a limo was stopped on the double yellow trying to get into the car pool lane. I hit the breaks and then got up on the seat so I could run over the limo once the bike made contact. The bike stopped in time.

4) I was on the inside of an unmarked true hairpin (the U-turn kind where it actually curves back in to where you just were). Pushed harder and started to cross the yellow line, pushed harder. Thank god for tires that can handle a 51degree lean angle.

I've almost t-boned a few cars who just decided to go without looking. Hit the breaks hard every time the back fish tailed but never dropped the bike or hit anyone.

I've learned to keep the ride smooth and steady, to break more with the front tire, keep the bike in top shape (never know when you'll need that extra advantage) and to be ready for the unexpected.
I am still trying to figure out what I did wrong. I just purchased a brand new 2011 FZ6R. The guy from the shop rode it home for me and I drove him back to the store. The biggest bike I ever rode was a KLR250. I went for a ride down the street and stopped at the stop sign. I was trying to make a left hand turn and I guess I gave it a little too much gas because the next thing I know is I am in the grass trying to straighten up and the back end comes around. I almost had control and I just lost it. I fell off the seat and in the process gave it some more gas. My brand new motorcycle threw me off and did a circle on its side in the road. I broke off the left hand mirror, bent the clutch handle and shifter, scratch up the crank case and put some scratches on the fairing. I had all of my gear on so I only got a scratch on my elbow and ankle. I was able to get the bike home and park it. This happened about an hour ago and I am still shaking. Does anyone know how hard it is to replace the mirror, clutch handle and shifter? I feel like a big idiot right now.
I am still trying to figure out what I did wrong. I just purchased a brand new 2011 FZ6R. The guy from the shop rode it home for me and I drove him back to the store. The biggest bike I ever rode was a KLR250. I went for a ride down the street and stopped at the stop sign. I was trying to make a left hand turn and I guess I gave it a little too much gas because the next thing I know is I am in the grass trying to straighten up and the back end comes around. I almost had control and I just lost it. I fell off the seat and in the process gave it some more gas. My brand new motorcycle threw me off and did a circle on its side in the road. I broke off the left hand mirror, bent the clutch handle and shifter, scratch up the crank case and put some scratches on the fairing. I had all of my gear on so I only got a scratch on my elbow and ankle. I was able to get the bike home and park it. This happened about an hour ago and I am still shaking. Does anyone know how hard it is to replace the mirror, clutch handle and shifter? I feel like a big idiot right now.

Damn that sucks, the mirror and clutch handle are really easy. It's just tedious taking off fairings for the mirror. Don't feel too bad, it's a bike and in the end it will be repaired, just be glad you're okay and you're taking away something from this experience. Be careful on the fz6r when turning from dead stops. It can get tricky for someone who isn't used to the weight or the power. Good luck, I'm not too sure about the shifter.
About 1 month after I started riding and only the second time I rode the bike to work, I pulled into the parking lot and swung around to set myself up to back into a parking spot. I walked the bike back perfectly straight into the spot, no problems. Hit the kill switch, turn keyed off, and proceeded to get off the bike, only problem was I never put the kick stand down and drop the bike.

MSF rule is "thumb, key valve." Now my new rule is thumb, key, valve, KICKSTAND.
