Please....Everyone watch this(Graphic)


New Member
If you have kids, or even a wife or girlfriend....who texts, PLEASE have them watch this....I couldnt believe how intense and graphic this PSA is....

[ame=]YouTube - ‪PSA Texting while Driving U.K. Ad [HD]‬‏[/ame]

Some other vids I found interesting as well

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪This video will change your mind about speed!‬‏[/ame]

Motorcycle PSA's
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Motorcycle Safety Ad‬‏[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪How Close: Motorcycle Safety PSA‬‏[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Does this Motorcycle PSA work?‬‏[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Idaho Motorcycle PSA‬‏[/ame]
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That [top] advert pisses me off, it's the British way - some bureaucrat makes an expensive video explaining the dangers, but then there is no enforcement whatsoever. Everyday as i walk to work, half of the drivers who pass me, are either talking on their mobile or texting. They need to start some serious, draconian enforcement to stop idiots doing it.
Here in our state its against the law, they will pull you over and ticket you. The officers are undergoing extensive training for identifying texters while driving!
Same in ours, its also illegal to be on the cell phone period while in a school zone.
I'll admit I text and drive, but there is a stupid way to do it and a smarter way. People like in that video that look at their phone instead of the road the whole time is the wrong way and causes wrecks. I myself don't even look at the phone, except for about 1 second to proofread what i'm sending.
I used to text a lot in highschool till i had a friend get hurt real bad in accident after another driver hit him running a read light (because she was texting)
Now whoever im texting i jus say something like "hey im headed home text u in a sec" or just "hold up give me a minute". I rarely text while driving now other then texting my lady "im here" 10 mins be4 her house so she'll actually be ready when i pull up lol
They are trying to make it blue tooth only. Thats why allot of vehicle manufacturers are incorporating blue tooth as a standard on every vehicle.
I used to text a lot in highschool till i had a friend get hurt real bad in accident after another driver hit him running a read light (because she was texting)
Now whoever im texting i jus say something like "hey im headed home text u in a sec" or just "hold up give me a minute". I rarely text while driving now other then texting my lady "im here" 10 mins be4 her house so she'll actually be ready when i pull up lol

For those of you with Android phones, there are apps like Tasker that automatically send a text saying something like "I'm currently driving, and will call you back ASAP", when its connected to bluetooth, or any other condition you specify.

Not sure if its available for iPhones though.
Ill look and update you all if it is available
I was following a car on my way home from college one weekend and they started slowly drifting to the right and ended up going off the road and into the ditch/cornfield and caught some pretty good air. Slowed down cause of all the dirt taking awy my visibility but I was 99% sure from seeing the movment in the car and the slow pull to the right that she was definitely texting. Its hard to drive in a straight line on a narrow road when you are not looking at the road. No one got hurt but I bet that scare will keep her from doing it again.
All I can say is wow!

the 4th video was actually shown to us in our motorcycle safety course

as for cell was recently made illegal to operate a handheld device in our province. i was fairly diligent in making the effort to not use my cell, but one day i absent-mindingly answered a call from my sister and was promptly pulled over and given a $280 ticket (the standard fine if you get caught, along with 4 demerit points on your license...a bit of a cash grab in my opinion) and because of my poor driving history cost me another $500 for my license and was made to take a driver improvement program

now i will say that i don't believe talking on a phone is the most dangerous thing drivers can do (heck...the driver improvement program informed us that only 1.5% of accidents are caused by cell phone use) but under NO circumstances will i text and drive. i've tried it (i'm 24 and fairly competent with my cell and fairly competent in general) and it's absolutely and completely too distracting...even if you're only sending a quick "im here" to your girl.

please guys, put away your cell phones. i can scarcely imagine a situation so pressing that you can't sacrifice one minute to pull over (which is what i now faithfully do)

FWIW i don't truly believe in bluetooth either. it's better than a cell but only slightly, since the root cause is distraction, which is still present when using bluetooth. if you need to talk, do so as safely as you need to, not as safely as the law tells you to. some people can't walk and chew bubblegum at the same time so be honest about your capabilities and pull over if you need to
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