PCV and the O2 Sensor


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Post a scan of the picture that is confusing you and maybe one of us could give you the location. But I have replaced the stock exhaust, and there is no probe for O2 or A/F readings. :don'tknow:
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Does it say that you need to install an O2 sensor? If that is the case, you are going to have to drill a hole in the exhaust, weld a bung and buy an O2 probe for it.

So the installation instruction pictures don't look like what we have under our tanks. That is strange. I'm not sure what to tell you at this point. :confused: I do hope you get it figured out though.
strange.. there should be the sensor in the exhaust at least my XJ6 Diversion has it and its preety visible..
I'm trying to find a link to the install instructions, but I'm coming up empty handed. Do you have a link?
Ok, how many plugs are attached to the PCV?

If there are only two plugs, one with 4 pins and one with 6 pins, then you don't need to worry about the O2 sensor. Just plug them into the stock wiring harness and you are done.
I don't know if it's just me, but those two figures almost look like they are from different bikes. :confused: They just don't seem to look the same.

This really has me puzzled!
so even if there is an O2 sensor and I leave it connected you think everything will work fine?

So you weren't able to find a black connector coming from the large T-shaped wiring "knot?" It may be wrapped with a black insulator. If you can't find it, then I would have to say there isn't one. Without an O2 probe in the exhaust, I don't know where else it would be.
I'm not sure whether a ride will tell you if anything is wrong. The PCV comes with the factory map, so it will be the same as stock.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

:surrender: Sorry that I couldn't be a little bit more helpful.
Well I solved part of the mystery - the photo showing the O2 sensor and it's position is for the FZ6. At least it's the same pic in the instructions PC supplies for the FZ6.

I wonder if they ever even took a picture of the FZ6R...

I knew something just wasn't quite right. So have you found the O2 sensor connector on your bike yet?

How in the world does the fuel injection work without a o2 sensor?? Wow this is new technology to me!
