Parking lots suck


New Member
So i stopped after work to get some stuff at the conveinence store and when i came out i seen a guy that was parked beside be had pulled out and had stopped and was looking at my bike so i thought he was thinking it was a nice bike but as soon as he seen i had my helment in my hand he took off like a bat out of hell so i ran over to my bike to find he had hit my mirror i ran after him but he took of and cut off traffic on the road
good thing very very miner scrape on mirror where are peoples morrols
Cameras at the lot??? Get his plate? Fry his ass if its on film. :mad:
Not cool man... not cool :mad:
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So i stopped after work to get some stuff at the conveinence store and when i came out i seen a guy that was parked beside be had pulled out and had stopped and was looking at my bike so i thought he was thinking it was a nice bike but as soon as he seen i had my helment in my hand he took off like a bat out of hell so i ran over to my bike to find he had hit my mirror i ran after him but he took of and cut off traffic on the road
good thing very very miner scrape on mirror where are peoples morrols

Glad to hear it was minor...hopefully you remember the guys face should you see him again.
The store manager could help you out if they are good people, like someone already said ask if they have a parking lot camera. Show them the damages and ask if you can talk to the clerks. If it is a small convenience store with only a few clerks they might know who he is if he is a regular. Did he leave any paint (evidence) behind?
Contact the police. They will make contact with the business and see if there is any footage. All the cop needs is the vehicles license plate and that guys done! Sorry man....
im going to go and ask about cameras never thought about that thanks again to every one and the guys face is burned into my memorie also he took off so fast i never had time to think about a plate # as i had fire in my eyes

This is precisely why I installed the Gorilla alarm with pager system. I can hear them mess with my bike and come out ready to get license plate, knife a tire or just beat the living fu@k outta whoever hit my bike.
People do this crap all the time to cars and bikes as well.
