Our Skyline Drive (VA) ride WITH PICS AND VIDS!


Super Moderator
Had a GREAT time and thought we would share some pics and a couple vids. :D

It was Me, Dart, and Verranth (and his GF) that went on this day trip. We took the whole Skyline Drive in Va and had a blast. Took a little over 5 hours from the top to the bottom. Very fun road.

Here is a map so you can see the drive we took.


Pics are attached! There will be lots more pictures when the others post theirs up. I am uploading some vids to youtube and will post those in a bit. Quality isnt that great but oh well.
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i must be doing something wrong... i cant see my pics or vids. You see them dart?

EDIT: Videos fixed. Both are Dart. Working on pics now.
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Try this again...













Looks like a great ride, beautiful views, nice sweepers. I neede to go ride tommorow I think lol.
AWESOME!!! The Shenandoah Valley is absolutely beautiful! ...and I am loving the yellow FZ6R - looks sharp!
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Sweet! Cant wait to see Ver's pics. They got some nice pics as we were riding behind them.
Looks like it was a blast! I wish most of Louisiana wasn't at or below sea level. We don't have as nice roads or scenery as some of the more mountainous locales. :(
the gf has the camera and the usb cable is broken. It will take a while before we can get those pics from the SD card :p

I'll post them up when I get them.
looks like fun!
Great pics! Thanx!

If you get someone with a white one you can do a promo shoot for Yamaha ;) and the GF will have company ...

Some days I'm staying away from the 3 FZ sites because it just get me sooooo jealous. :rant::D - but it doesn't last long, I can't stay away from the FZx-Forum sites...

I can't wait for the day that all my stuff get sorted out so that I can get myself a FZ again
It's would be nice to ride with everybody have the same bike.....
