OMG! Lady tried to run me and my landlord over with her truck!!!

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I'm still freaking shaking right now :mad: This is going to be long, sorry.

I'll try to be as clear as I can about this whole situation...

I come home from getting my kid from my moms house after work. There is a truck with a camper shell on it parked in my drive way.

The truck is loaded with house stuff and close. Clearly someone homeless... I call my mom to just chat with her and tell her once again someone is in my driveway. My wife then arrives home and tells me to call a tow truck. As I am describing this vehicle to my mom on the phone she says it sounds familiar. She calls my aunt who lives around the block from me to recap a story that my aunt told her about earlier in the week. Apparently they had a run-in with this same person. A woman. This woman tried moving her stuff into an empty townhouse next to my aunt and the landlord had to call the cops to get her out.

So now I let the landlord know this is the same person. My aunt also comes over to confirm. Landlord comes over and calls police and tow truck.

Well, this lady comes back before police or tow truck arrive. Some guy dropped her off in his truck. She starts screaming at the landlord and telling me to move my car as im parked behind her blocking her in. The landlord is behind me blocking me. Landlord is on the phone with police. The lady is acting like she is going to ram my car, going back and forth between my house and my car. There is room for her to go beside us if she really wanted to.

Well, the landlord goes up to the front of her truck (not sure why at that point), and the lady backs up at an angle and floors it right at her! I thought the truck was going to go through my house. The lady stops the truck before hitting her. So I run up there to get the landlord out of the way. She gets back behind our cars and now im stuck up there with a truck pointing at ME. I want to make sure she doesnt try to run through my yard and have my wife or 5 year old daughter step outside trying to figure out whats going on and get killed by this lady. I step to the side yard (where our front door is) and she backs up again and straightens her truck out.

I am now on the phone with 911. Well, she backed up and guns it hard right at me. I run and can just see the headlights glare at my feet getting closer. Thought I was done for. So she is half on my yard and half on my side walk (i'll draw a diagram of the layout). Thank God she stopped before hitting me. I'm yelling on the phone as Im running that shes trying to run me over to 911. And just like I thought, my wife opened the door and stepped out. Had to keep her from coming out. She wanted to pull this lady out of the truck.

Police show up right there. Took 3 officers to take her down. She was clearly drunk or messed up on something. She was fighting hard. All the neighbors come out of course. They take her away and the tow truck shows and takes her truck.

Hey I got my spot back, yay! :rolleyes: Never thought it was going to turn into that! My mind is racing right now. Nothing like a big truck trying to run you down. Sure gets the blood flowing.

This is the layout of my house and how it happened:

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Damn. Glad u guys are all are ok...

That lady sounds like she was on drugs & deserves to go to jail for trying to hurt ppl... Crazy ppl are everywhere... >=(
Yeah, she is for sure in jail right now. They are also charging her with 2 assaults for trying to run us over.
yeah but... is your bike ok?

That's what I was thinking through out this whole processes... maybe it was in the garage but he was trying to get her not to ram into the house!

Positive thinking and good cover-up.

Maybe she didn't see you being in a cage and all... you should've worn brighter clothes and made louder noises so she could see and hear you.

On a serious note I'm glad you thought of your family first.
And where was Ruger during all this (and I don't mean the dog)?

I was actually carrying 10 minutes prior. Then I got to thinking, yes I am on my own property, but i havent renewed my permit since we moved to Oregon. I didnt want any hassle with the cops and I knew they were on the way before she got there. Never thought it would turn into something like that.

Even if I still had it on, At least when she was charging me I would never had time to stop, draw/ turn around. It was that quick. Maybe after the first charge at the landlord. This truck was loaded with crap. Not sure if she had any weapons or not and it was dark..
I've done it before and would not hesitate to do it again. I looks for guns now tho...

Oooh, do tell!!

Yup, trying to run people over = assault w/ a deadly weapon. A buddy of mine had the same charge against an equally crazy driver, although it wasn't as insane as the OP's experience: buddy was in his car, being rammed by another person in their truck...
Your diagram was pure brilliance. Well done.

Glad no one was hurt.
I think they just changed the law in PA about self-defense with a weapon. It used to be that you had to make every attempt to flee before using potentially deadly force. Now if you are on your property you can use force with fleeing. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but the first time she charged the landlord that could have been lights out.

Don't get me wrong, I think you handled that situation perfectly! Nice job keeping everyone safe!

I know I would not have handled it as well as you. That lady would never have the second opportunity to charge at someone.
Dang, that's a crazy story jspansel!! I'm glad you were able to avoid getting hit, and got the cops there in time to stop that lady from causing any serious damage to anyone or anything!! :eek:
Nice job keeping everyone safe! You seemed to have kept a cool head about you.

But I, too, am with some others in here, in that Ruger, S&W, SA or whoever, would have been there before the police to stop that crazy azz woman. I was involved in a minor accident where the car behind us was rear-ended and forced into our car. The man that caused the accident had stolen the car just hours before, and when we were trying to make sure everyone was ok and get information, he fled the scene nearly running me over and causing another accident. Working in a hospital, I can't carry, but if I could, it would have ended there, instead of him going on to wreak more havoc. They later caught him and threw the book at him, including assault with a deadly weapon.

Knowing that this woman had history for being a nuisance, I don't think I could have not gone into the house to tell the wife to stay put and grab me some lead... That's just my honest opinion.
Nice job keeping everyone safe! You seemed to have kept a cool head about you.

But I, too, am with some others in here, in that Ruger, S&W, SA or whoever, would have been there before the police to stop that crazy azz woman. I was involved in a minor accident where the car behind us was rear-ended and forced into our car. The man that caused the accident had stolen the car just hours before, and when we were trying to make sure everyone was ok and get information, he fled the scene nearly running me over and causing another accident. Working in a hospital, I can't carry, but if I could, it would have ended there, instead of him going on to wreak more havoc. They later caught him and threw the book at him, including assault with a deadly weapon.

Knowing that this woman had history for being a nuisance, I don't think I could have not gone into the house to tell the wife to stay put and grab me some lead... That's just my honest opinion.

Really? That's the solution? Shoot the crazy - ask questions later? While it is apparent to anyone that she was a danger, why is the solution to the matter - 'blow her effin brains out'?

I'm sorry - but I'm not with any of you on this one.
Really? That's the solution? Shoot the crazy - ask questions later? While it is apparent to anyone that she was a danger, why is the solution to the matter - 'blow her effin brains out'?

I'm sorry - but I'm not with any of you on this one.

The reason is that you have a responsibility to protect yourself, wife and kids. Unfortunately, police officers are too heavy to carry with us everywhere we go, and are thus a reactionary defense. There was no way to know whether she was crazy enough to run through the house or over anyone standing nearby. You also don't know whether she had any weapons herself. For me, I wouldn't take that chance.
The reason is that you have a responsibility to protect yourself, wife and kids. Unfortunately, police officers are too heavy to carry with us everywhere we go, and are thus a reactionary defense. There was no way to know whether she was crazy enough to run through the house or over anyone standing nearby. You also don't know whether she had any weapons herself. For me, I wouldn't take that chance.

I don't want to get into a whole 'gun control thing' here. Believe it or not, I'm for gun control yet I have many, many guns. Grew up with them all my life and have taken up the hobby of collecting guns, just like my old man. I just don't feel that because someone went off the rails, you have the right to paint the walls with their brains - especially when there are other options available.

While I understand the possibility that she could have had a gun as well (let's face it, getting a gun in the states - not very hard) I just don't think something that could have been just a confused drunk hitting the gas instead of the brake is just cause for going straight Rambo on someone.

Luckily - cooler heads prevailed and the matter was wrapped up without anyone losing their life.
Really? That's the solution? Shoot the crazy - ask questions later? While it is apparent to anyone that she was a danger, why is the solution to the matter - 'blow her effin brains out'?

I'm sorry - but I'm not with any of you on this one.

Wait...aren't you the one holding a semi-auto rifle in your profile pic? Just curious...:scared:

Wait...aren't you the one holding a semi-auto rifle in your profile pic? Just curious...:scared:

Full auto, actually. Colt M16, as I do recall. Which, I suppose - proves that I am INDEED a bit of a gun nut. However, this was taken at a rifle range in Vegas - I'm not allowed to own such hardware in Canada. In fact, I can't even own the .22 cal M4 variant, as it looks too much like the real deal... even though I have a restricted firearms license... And I'm okay with that. Because if I don't have that hardware - that means, no one else has it either.
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