Oil Drilling....Finally, or just a show?

Im not saying that bro, im not that guy! I was making light of the situ with a 2012 joke. The first apart im serious about. I know the world is greed based and prevents us from many advances as a human race. I believe the politics hold us back because people fight, then they fight about fighting, and then spend another million dollars trying to find out why they were fighting in the first place, and then they fight about the million dollars spent, then raise taxes 1.5%, and then they fight about tax rising, then big brother cuts tax for the 500 companys, then they fight about why they did than and its a revolving door that all comes down to PURE GREED. What Im saying is I think this is a good temporary step in this direction. We need to be more of a self sufficient country! Im tired of being 65% in debt to china from our loans, Im tired of sending millions in relief to a country that will forget about us after they healed, Im tired of bombing the hell out of a place and then paying for their country to be rebuilt out of guilt. WE GET NOTHING BACK, 70% of the world hates america for stepping into everyone elses business. They trade with us to make money, but for example: Hurricane Katrina, did you see russia or china, japan, south Korea, or any of these countries we work with send ANY relief to our shores? NO! ok...I need to stop or Ill keep going and ya'll will hate me haha

Ps. this is my 500th post :steve:
No, not at all! I don't hate you I love a good argument, but what you say is really true. We do need to be more self sufficient. I hate living based on favors, I might be "naive" to want the world to work like a well kept motorcycle, but it's sad that it doesn't. Us Americans are too self centered sometimes, in NYC alone it might be one of the most populated cities in the world, but most of the time you feel so alone. Nobody really talk to each other throughout the day, everyone is out to make a profit. I love going to Colombia and visit my grandma from time to time because I enjoy the change of pace. It's like you have all the time in the world to pause and enjoy the day. Not because I'm on vacation but at noon they all close up shop and go home to eat and sleep for two hours. I would love that here not because of laziness, but being able to connect with people more. The world needs love, it's something that is severely lacking, not between personal relationships, but with the environment and the people and animals we share it with. I feel like people don't care if they live in a shit-hole as long as they have some green(cash).

That's why I enjoy the motorcycle world, and this forum specifically. I feel like everyone is interconnected and I love seeing threads not only about motorcycles, but about peoples daily lives. This isn't facebook but if you want to share your newborn child, that dog you rescued last week, or that amazing ride through the mountains it's all pretty much accepted, discussed, and everyone appreciates it.
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I need a part the store is 25 miles away , if I drive there in a electric car that has a estimated range of 40 miles the store is over the halfway point of the car , so I have to drive to the store plug up the car and wait for the needed charge to get back home with , NO THANKS I'LL PASS !

Most electric cars can get you over 100 miles before the battery runs out and then it can use gas (or preferably biodiesel) to fuel itself for anything beyond the batteries capacity.

Seriously check out the fuel film!
Sparxx If I could quadruple thank you and give u 50 rep points I would :) I too love this forum and how accepting people are. Ive been a part of many forums, and I havebeen a moderator on a few. Some forums are truly filled with pricks and a;ways dogging everyone HARSHLY. Here I feel like im part of a community. Respected, when I write something people read it all the way through and respond! Its a beautiful thing here and I wouldnt want it any different. All walks of life here too!
