Nuclear war on the horizon

"There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet..."

- Agent K, Men In Black​

Maybe it's that I'm older than most of you, or maybe that I've lived all over the globe and get my news mostly not from the US entertainment media, but I find that Agent K was dead on about things like this. There hasn't been a time in my life when some would-be nutjob in some place (Cuba, East Germany, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Pakistan, China, you name it...) wasn't threatening somebody, usually us, with nuclear, chemical or bacteriological weapons. It's the kind of thing that despotic nutjobs do. It's how they stay in power. They'd be gone in minutes if they didn't have some great evil outside that they could stand up to, to prove how brave they are.

Someday, one of these may turn out to be real. But as a friend of mine from the investment business once said "the sun will blow up someday, but it's a lousy trade." Same with this stuff. Throughout the history of the world, more than 99% of threats are never followed up. They're not meant to be.

Not too far off 1984's concept of The Enemy, either.

...just saying
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should i go out and go on a spending spree before the world comes to an end.

strip clubs, drankin, and get meself a new bike, and go full out gear,awww hell, why go full gear if its all coming to an end anyway .
