Now it is COLD


New Member
so it's getting cold down here. So What jacket/gloves do you wear in the fall/winter? pics/links greatly appreciated.
Scorpion Recon Motorcycle Gloves :: New Enough, LTD
Cortech by Tour Master GX Sport Series 2 Textile Motorcycle Jacket :: New Enough, LTD

Those are links to the gloves and jacket that I ride with. I just got the gloves, because I have been doing a lot of riding in the rain lately and needed something that was water proof.

Today, it was a cool morning, not cold, but just cool enough that my other gloves wouldn't keep my hands warm. Boy, these new Scorpion gloves are great! I wore them without the thermal liner and they were plenty warm. Great padding and what seems to be excellent abrasion protection. Once they get broken in, they should be awesome.
Hate to rub it in, but it is never winter here! HAWAII! The down side is your routes are limited!
Don't know how cold "cold" is, but Tourmaster/Cortech makes some excelent jackets that have three layers of protection. Choose you outer shell, and then there's a wind proof liner, as well as a qwilted inner liner if it's reallly cold (40's here in SoCal). Don't know about gloves,though, my commute is short - about 5 miles. I wear Alpinestars SP1 gloves and have have not had cold hands so far. From my experiance riding in Colorado, I would reccomend insulated gloves if your ride is more than that.
Everyone so far that's posted is from warm climates, it's gotten chilly here but so far not cold (and this is New England lol)
It's getting cold here just dropped to 58:D yesterday it was 90 something

That's Cold?!?! Egads!
Woke up this morning to 2C (35F)!
Needless to say, my bike stayed home today... just about lost it a few mornings ago due to a combination of tar snake and cold tires right around the corner from my house...

ah thats not cold :confused:. we got 25f this moring . whent out yesterday , got home it was 49 . rideing was 55-51 .
Heated grips
Nitro 3/4 jacket
Balaclava (thanks Dart)
Snow gloves when it gets too cold
Long johns with rain pants over my jeans to block wind
Waterproof boots will thick socks
I here you..... Rode to work last night and it was 50. But by the time I got off it was 38. Damn cold, though the bike runs alot better in the cold.
Hate to rub it in, but it is never winter here! HAWAII! The down side is your routes are limited!

Same thing in the Virgin Islands but routes are even more limited. I'm lucky to put 50 miles on in day and that's pretty much all over St. Thomas, some roads even twice.:eek:
Icon Accelerant (solid) leather jacket with insulated liner.
Baclava for the neck.

I'm still in the market for some overpants...the Icon Overpants look really sharp! - but are not insuated. In combo with their insulated riding jeans, then you got a winner! (but pricy :( )

For now, I just wear my baggy fleece pants over my jeans when I go to work. Also have the A* SMX1 riding shoe with athletic think socks.

Rode in to work today with a shirt and long sleeve shirt and the gear above. Time 8:00AM EST with temp of 53F. The result = warm :)

For cooler weather, I'll have to look at glove liners and overpants. Good luck.
For anyone thinking about heated grips, do them. If it's cold enough to consider them at all, you won't regret the $30 upgrade.

Cortech/Tourmaster definitely make the best cold gear. Olympia is a good choice for gloves. No specific models to suggest, but find a shop nearby, try some on and go to one of our favorite shops or eBay and find a good price on the gear that fits you best.
That's Cold?!?! Egads!
Woke up this morning to 2C (35F)!
Needless to say, my bike stayed home today... just about lost it a few mornings ago due to a combination of tar snake and cold tires right around the corner from my house...


Yeah...Florida here...although last year it did hit like 13F once or twice...but it usually stays between 45 - 60 in Fall (we have no winter...actually we only have 2 seasons, Summer and Spring) Only two weather patterns too (hot or wet)
man I looked at your forcast and its not that cold if Buford, GA hahah!

In Tacoma WA the temps were 10-20 degrees colder and I dont even think its cold yet haha!
