No Oil - Don't start it!


Elite Member
reminds me of what i read on another forum a few years ago. someone tried running their truck while they were draining the oil, so that they could get all of it out. :eek:
That statement at the shop was fairly accurate. If the crank seizes, everything can lock, causing the rear tire to skid. At any rate, he would come to an unexpected stop very quickly.

I had a motor lock up (not due to lack of oil though) in the air, while attempting a 90' triple jump on my quad. Let's just say the landing and the trip to the hospital and 4 month recovery was not so pleasant.
IIRC, when I had my scooter, you could point it down a steep hill w/ the engine off, and it'd freewheel... However, that's STARTING with the engine off, not running, then suddenly lock up.

I've had an automotive engine seize up on me, at about 80mph, 6400rpm... As Newton wrote, things in motion tend to stay in motion... KAPOW!
