No more rabbit ears! MIRRORS MIRRORS

I found a set of mirrors that are kind of like a cross between the Trojans and the GSXR mirrors. Universal LED Mirrors I just got these in today. IMO they're the best looking ones I've seen for our bike. I'll get some pics up tomorrow. (left my camera on my desk at work) They lay much more horizontally than the stock ones and even the Trojans. The install was a bit of a pain at first. Have to cut a hole in the middle of the rubber insert for the wires. Then adjusting them took some time to get just right. They move in an odd way the way they hinge. Also, I ended up cutting the rubber cover for the hinge that they come with. The angle you have to put them to on our bikes just made the cover not want to fit quote right. It just looked better without it on there. I haven't ridden with them yet since I just finished putting them on. But I doubt I'll have any issues with them falling like others had with the Trojans. These things are tight and hard to move. Wiring was simple. Ran them through the hole cut into the rubber spacer and soldered on a set of plugs so they could just plug right into the stock turn signal plugs. The lights are nice and bright and easy to see. So far so good. Just another option out there.

Those look suspeciously very much like the Trojans....are you sure they are not the Trojans?
Rabbit Ears Be Gone

Just got some new mirrors today. Will let everyone know how it goes, and post some pics and where I found them if they work. Expect to install them saturday if all goes well.
OK I went home at lunch and took a look to see if these are the Trojan mirrors. I think the may be the same brand, but they're different. I found this pic of the blue bike earlier in the thread. Look at the difference in the mounting position on these compared to mine in the post above. I tried to swap them today and put them on the other way and it actually laid them down below the grip level. The arm on mine makes an almost 90º turn after the hinge from the base where the ones in this pic look like they come almost straight up with a very slight angle to it. I'm going to try and work on getting these things setup safely. I'd like to use them as I like the look of them being lower. But they just don't seem like they're going to work worth a damn being that low. I can either see my hands or the car directly next to me. Not much else. I'll let you know if I find any other solution.

LOL. I just looked at your pics and yes, they mount and stalks ARE different! Now I will finish reading your posts to see how you liked them...or's to hoping they are better though!
Well after an hour or so of messing around with them, it's obvious my mirrors are a different designed than any of the Trojans I've seen people post up so far. I started messing around with the mounting location since the mirrors have slotted bolt holes. I think I've got them adjusted to a point that they're actually usable. If the stock mirrors were a 10/10, I'd give these a 5/10 adjusted the way they are right now. I really like the look a lot better and having turn signals that people in front of you can actually see (unlike my flushmounts) is a big plus. So I'll just have to work on knowing how to use the mirrors now with the lack of vision. I head check a lot anyways so I don't think it'll be that big of a deal.

I got mine to work a little better to the point that I can actually see behind me. I still have to move an arm and move a little to do it, but it can be done. I wish there were mirrors out there, with lights, that can actually be set so we can just glance over and see behind us.

Thanks for the review.
he used r6s mine on and the are shorter and look like they belong rather than the trojan mirrors
What year R6 mirors will work with our bikes?

r6s mirrors not r6 and for pics comparison look at demons bike on pg 3 about mid way down...mine looks the same...also you do have to drill 1 hole on each side seeing as the two pins dont fit in the stock location
Do these R6 mirrors fold in? I use the fold in feature on my stock mirrors every day so when I park in my works parking garage I fold in the left mirror and get as close to the wall as possible, and with the wheel locked to the left IMO it would make it VERY difficult to roll away :thumbup:

No they don't. I didn't even know the stock ones did that.

damn! those mirrors look nice but I really like the fold in feature on the stockers!

I would of never known about it myself but I had my bike delivered to my house when I bought it, and when they were unloading it he bumped the mirror and it bent in and I am thinking OH SH!!TTTT!!!!!!! and he he laughs and says I forgot to mention the mirrors fold in :D
