No clutch lever needed!


New Member
Hi I'm new to riding I got my license in June. I had a Kawasaki 500R sold it and I got my FZ6R in August and love it! It had 1000 miles on it when I got it. My husband is also a rider he has a Suzuki GSX650F nice ride. When I got this bike he said to me it time for you to give up the clutch lever. I'm a truck driver so not using the clutch unless your starting from a stop is the normal. I have been riding my FZ6R this way now since I got it. I was wondering if anyone else out there gave up the clutch lever?;)
On upshifts, yes, no clutch lever here. Downshifts are real jerky in my experience with no clutch, so I use the clutch to smooth those out, plus I coast a little while before I stop and save a little fuel compared to powering to it and then braking at the end.
We have a clutch... I use it... Always.
The clutch wouldn't be there if you didn't need to use it
The clutch is to keep you from grinding the ends of the gears, usually on a synchro type tranny. It should be ok if you match the gear and rpm but I use mine anyways
These things have a clutch lever? Being an old truck driver I figured it was an automatic since I saw no clutch pedal. :)
When I first started doing it was very jerky but now it as smooth as butter! I also use synthetic oil which I think makes a big difference.
I use mine, but back in the day when I thought I needed to beat other bikes away from lights, I didn't if I was racing.

I will tell you that, when taking a racebike course, the former Superbike Champion that owns the school said, "If you're used to not using a clutch on your own bike, be sure to use it on mine. I want my transmissions to last." He later made the point that if you're racing, it's OK not to use it, but it is harder on the transmission. If you're not trying to win millions of $, there is no gain to not using it.
I was under the impression that not using the clutch would round off the dogs prematurely, probably leading to a tranny rebuild much quicker. Not a problem FOR YOU if you plan on selling the bike at 10k miles I suppose, but maybe so for the poor guy that buys it from you. I'm just a newbie though so what do I know... I use it all the time anyway.
Exactly... Why NOT use it? The extra wear on your bike is not worth it, is it? No reason not to use your clutch on the street.

First, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay.

Second, I have to agree with the group here, there is NO harm in using it, but there is POTENTIAL harm in not using it. Therefore, I clutch.

My .02 cents.

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There's a kill switch too. I don't use that. And I pray that I don't need to use my frame sliders :)

Sorry bro, but that's the WORST logic I've ever seen.

Kill switches and (especially) frame sliders are made for emergency type situations. Actually, the kill switch can be used to turn the bike off when you park it too (that's what the MSF teaches anyway) and I use it for just that purpose.

The clutch was not designed to be an emergency use only device. Your transmission was designed to be shifted using a clutch in NORMAL operations. Is it necessary to shift the bike using the clutch? No, but you could also ride your bike around and brake using only engine braking and the bottom of your shoes instead of the brakes.
Sorry bro, but that's the WORST logic I've ever seen.

Kill switches and (especially) frame sliders are made for emergency type situations. Actually, the kill switch can be used to turn the bike off when you park it too (that's what the MSF teaches anyway) and I use it for just that purpose.

The clutch was not designed to be an emergency use only device. Your transmission was designed to be shifted using a clutch in NORMAL operations. Is it necessary to shift the bike using the clutch? No, but you could also ride your bike around and brake using only engine braking and the bottom of your shoes instead of the brakes.

true that brother...steel plated on the bottom of my shoes from here on out! After 3 or 4 beers and a glass of vodka ill be ready
although this logic can be applied to other things....

I have prophylactics but I dont use them lol

which can again be paired with the 3 or 4 beers and a glass of vodka.
I gave up clutching every shift when the dmv gave me my cdl. Just because it has a clutch doesn't mean your going to wreck it if you don't use it. A motorcycle has a non synchronized transmission which enables you to leave the clutch alone and still shift. I'm not sure about damaging the clutch I guess we'll see in the long term, l plan on keeping it from a while I will keep you informed if I have any problems. And thanks for the input.
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You can shift however you want! I don't care if you use the clutch to shift or not. For me, just because I CAN doesn't mean I SHOULD. You can shift practically anything without using the clutch, I've done it at some point in every manually shifted vehicle I've owned. I only did it to make sure I was able to in case the clutch went out and I needed to limp home.

It's your bike, do whatever you want to it! :)

Why do you do that? because it doesn't wear the clutch? Well i'm sorry to tell you that it cost alot more to replace those gears your grinding away then it does for a new clutch.

It takes less then a second to shift using the clutch.
